
Shale gas revolution in the concepts

Shale gas revolution in the concepts
As society growing demand for clean energy, natural gas prices are ceramic proppant manufacturers rising, people are rapidly increasing understanding of shale gas. In particular, the level of horizontal wells and fracturing technology continues to progress, the human exploration and development of the shale gas boom is being formed.
China shale gas shale enrichment and demonstration area
China shale gas shale enrichment and demonstration area [1]
Shale gas is mined out from shale gas, methane-based ingredients, is proppant suppliers an important unconventional gas resources. Formation and enrichment of shale gas has its own unique characteristics, often greater thickness distribution in the basin, widely distributed shale source rock formations. Compared to more conventional natural gas, shale gas reservoirs with self-generated self-storage features, both shale source rocks, reservoirs and is not subject to structural control, no traps, no clear the air-water interface. Shale gas buried large depth range, depth from 200 m to 3000 m deep at. Most widely shale gas distribution, a large thickness, and generally containing gas, which makes possible to stabilize shale gas production rate of long-term gas, having a long cycle life and long exploitation advantages. [2]
Global shale gas resources are very rich. It is predicted that the world shale gas resources of 456 trillion cubic meters, mainly in North America, Central Asia and China, the Middle East and North Africa, Latin America, the former Soviet Union and other regions. Coal seam gas And conventional natural gas equivalent, shale gas resource potential may be greater than conventional natural gas.


frac sand companies Status of CBM development

Survey: China to carry out CBM exploration companies is not much more powerful coal-bed methane company is one of the few, mainly in Shanxi and Henan and other places fracking process for mining, such as PetroChina Coalbed Methane Company, in conjunction, Orion, Asia United States mainland, Greka, Shanxi coalbed methane companies, these companies are mostly foreign. 
According to "China's coalbed methane resources exploration and investment prospects Analysis Market Outlook Report Outlook" [5] data show that global shallow depth of about 240 trillion cubic meters in 2000 meters of coalbed methane resources, which is twice more than proven reserves of conventional natural gas the world's major coal-producing countries have attached great importance to the development of coalbed methane. Exploitation started the United States, Britain, Germany, Russia and other countries of CBM earlier, mainly in the former coal mining drainage and drainage ways Gob closed drainage CBM industry is more mature. Early 1980s, the United States began to experiment with the application of conventional oil and gas wells (ie, surface drilling) the exploitation of coalbed methane and get a breakthrough, marking the world's coal-bed methane development has entered a new phase. 
Coal bed methane is itself self-generated from unconventional gas reservoir type, there are 74 countries in the world bears the coalbed methane resources in China amounted to 36.8 trillion cubic meters of coalbed methane resources, ranking third in the world. China CBM resources of about 10 trillion cubic meters, total proven reserves of 102.3 billion cubic meters of methane gas, recoverable reserves of about 47 billion cubic meters. 95% of the country's coal-bed methane resources are located in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hebei, Henan and Anhui, and four gas-bearing area, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia, ceramic ball which contains the largest area of ​​coalbed methane gas resources for 17.25 trillion cubic meters, accounting for about 50% of the country's total coalbed methane resources. 
In 2006, China CBM development will be included in the "Eleventh Five-Year" energy development plan, and to develop a specific implementation measures, development of coalbed methane industry ushered good opportunity for development. Since 2007, the government has unveiled a broken franchise, tax incentives, financial subsidies and many other supportive policies to encourage the development and utilization of CBM, the rapid development of China's CBM industry, industrial prototype fade. 
In 2007, the national gas extraction 4.735 billion cubic meters, the use of 1.446 billion cubic meters. Where underground coal mine gas drainage capacity 4.4 billion cubic meters, completed 127 percent planning goals. Formation of CBM production capacity of 100,000 cubic meters, is 2-fold in 2006. CBM production 330 million cubic meters, an increase of more than double in 2006. From 2005 to 2007, a total of approximately 1,700 drilling, drilling accounted for 85% of total accumulated over the years. 
As of the end of 2007, the domestic proven reserves of 134 billion cubic meters of methane gas, coal bed methane in the commercial production of less than 400 million cubic meters. According to "the CBM (coal gas) development and utilization of the" Eleventh Five-Year "plan", 2010, new coal-bed oil well fracking methane reserves of 300 billion cubic meters of proven geological; bed methane, coal mine gas drainage capacity 10 billion cubic meters; construction seams gas pipeline 10, the total designed capacity of 6.5 billion cubic meters gas; key construction Basin, Erdos Basin Dongyuan two coalbed methane industry base.