
Exports and development of large enterprises frac proppant provides a rare opportunity

From the international environment, first, the ongoing transfer of industries in Western countries, China is facing a good opportunity to become the world's manufacturing center. Second, the international oil fracturing proppant prices continued to rise, stimulating investors have the funds to invest in oil exploration and development and oil processing, the formation of a new round of oil investment peak surge in demand for frac proppant. Our frac proppant products cost-effective than some developed countries, has a comparative advantage. Third, the three major oil well fracking companies are vigorously implement the "going out" strategy to accelerate overseas business development, can stimulate domestic frac proppant into the international market. These are for export and development of large enterprises frac proppant provides a rare opportunity. However, the development of frac proppant industry is also facing serious challenges. With international oil prices continued to rise and continued tight supply of oil and gas, oil and gas exploration and development Resin coated frac sand investment continued to increase the pace of energy such as oil and gas pipeline infrastructure continues to accelerate, substantial growth in demand for ceramic proppants, which also attracted a large number Investors have entered, intensified market competition.


Fired ceramic proppant production is most important a process

Fired fracturing proppant production is most important a process, have a great impact on their microstructure and macroscopic properties. After determining the ratio of the specimen, it will produce a fine powder in the firing process at a lower temperature Fracturing proppants between the liquid phase, but also to fracturing proppant and petrochemical reactions corundum crystal form transition occurs, and therefore the firing temperature must be controlled so that maintained within the optimum temperature range to ensure after the firing has excellent overall performance. If the temperature is too high there will be over-burning phenomenon, and ferric oxide (Fc203) of content. After the surface of a liquid phase, the oxygen diffusion to the center of the fracturing proppant block, this time occurs ceramic proppant suppliers reactions. Since the volume of the strength and the effect of the density of the reaction products are reduced. If the calcination temperature is too low due to burning phenomenon occurs due to insufficient sintering, its intensity is reduced. Firing temperature has little effect on the bulk density, but has a greater impact on the fracturing proppant crushing rate and the frac sand companies acid solubility. Minimum firing temperature corresponding crushing rate of 1360 ℃, while the corresponding acid solubility best when firing temperature is 1350 ℃. Therefore, in order to obtain the desired combination of properties, the firing temperature must be between 1350-1370 ℃; producing a high strength fracturing proppant to the firing temperature should be controlled at about 1360 ℃, the solubility of the acid <5%, to meet the Claim.