
Use of ceramic proppant

Cement dispersant liquid component also . Cement dispersing agent can formliquid droplets dispersed in a carrier fluid , a mixture of suitable dispersing agents and furfural diethyl phthalate . As the sand is not homogeneous , so the cement maide resin coated proppant will be more along the high permeability layer into the sand , the impact of sand effect. In order to make uniform injection of cement in the cement injection prior to the first injection period of dispersants. Since the dispersant can reduce the permeability of the high permeability layer , the permeability of the sand layer around the flare , so that the cement can be more uniformly dispersed into the sand . To improve the effectiveness of sand should be noted that the use of dispersants . Displacement fluid injection (by hole liquid ) , so that formation sand coated with resin material. Because of the sand from the cementation is glued to the cement at the point of contact of sand cement , sand in the gap caused by the excess cement after curing sand clogging of the reduced permeability of cement sand , so use the drive liquid cement for the extra fluid replacement to the depths of the maide ceramic proppants formation. Binders such as cement when polar , you can use kerosene, diesel doing additional hole fluid. Consolidation of the resin , to form a subterranean formation permeability , the resin can be achieved by heating and curing in contact with the catalyst . The catalyst can be injected into the formation together with the liquid cement ( catalyzed method) can be filled with the cement , and then into the catalyst ( catalytic outside ) . When using the catalytic method is worth noting: Only cementation fluid injected into the formation , the resin curing reaction can occur . The best way is outside the catalytic catalytic method. Epoxy resin , suitable catalysts include amines, acid anhydrides catalyst for phenolic resins, urea -formaldehyde resin , furfuryl alcohol resin , the inorganic acids, organic acids and the acid are relatively good external chemical catalyst.


Petroleum proppant

Called oil fracturing proppant , along with a high-pressure solution proppant into the formation maide oil fracturing proppant filling in cracks in the rock , play a supporting fissures not because of stress release and closed , thereby maintaining high conductivity , so that the oil and gas flow, increase production. Also known as petroleum oil proppant fracturing proppant . After deep mining in the oil and gas , high pressure low permeability deposit after closing fracturing treatment, the rock cracked petroleum , oil and gas from the cracks in the channel formed by the collection of out of the fluid injected into the rock at this grassroots needs to exceed formation fracture compressive strength , making the rock around the wellbore cracks , forming a high-level flow channel has the ability , in order to maide fracturing proppants maintain after fracturing the formation of cracks in the open , the oil and gas product can smoothly pass. Along with a high-pressure solution proppant into the formation filling in cracks in the rock , not because of stress fractures play a supporting release of closed , thereby maintaining high conductivity , so that the oil and gas flow, increase production.


Pre-coated resin sand

I.e., the catalyst was added to the resin formulation, or after replacement of the outer liquid mortar curing agents, to promote pre-coated gravel stratum at low temperature curing to achieve the Maide Ceramics purpose of the formation of solid rubber, and high temperature coating includes two types of sand. The former is used well temperature 60 ℃ wells, which is used to steam injection thermal recovery wells (steam injection temperature 300 ~ 350 ℃). In recent years, with the progress of technology has developed a low-temperature coated sand (for oil temperature 30 ~ 50 ℃).
(1) at room temperature coated sand: its resin formulations are: quartz sand: Epoxy resin: acetone: coupling = 100:5:5.5:0.2 (mass fraction).
(2) high temperature coated sand: sand control mechanism which is used to heat the pre-coating of gravel sand sand-carrying ceramic ball fluid at a certain ratio, the column is pumped through underground construction, and forced to squeeze into the outer casing surrounding formations in the well bottom temperature or curing a specific external conditions, the formation of an artificial wall with a certain intensity, but also has a high permeability thereby preventing the formation of sand.


Cementing casing ten dozen grade Fracturing

This is the most commonly shale formations way ( see Figure ^ ) ) . When completions , the first of the horizontal wellbore casing cementing , and implementation of the " bridge plug ten perforation " multi -stage fracturing , which achieved mechanical packer inside the casing through the cable coiled tubing packer or bridge plug proppants for hydraulic fracturing  by solid well realize annulus mechanical steering . This process is then repeated to complete the multi-stage fracturing in horizontal section . When all the small pieces to be dealt with, in addition to the use of coiled tubing drilling composite bridge plug so that the horizontal wellbore re- connected from the heel to the end and put into production. Although this approach can achieve the level of sub- section steering transformation, but at every level have to use coiled tubing , perforating guns and fracturing equipment for proppant suppliers operations, production costs are very high, and low operating efficiency , time-consuming . Studies have shown that the yield obtained using this method is also not ideal, because cementing will block many natural cracks and joints , and these cracks and joints are very important for improving gas production.


unconventional gas completions

Barnett Shale is the first to be successfully developed in the U.S. shale gas reservoirs is currently the most productive U.S. shale gas field , has become the United States and even other global shale gas field development model. Barnett Shale development using vertical wells early development, but the production is not ideal , after the year 2000 , steering horizontal wells , production has been 3-5 times improved. proppant manufacturers, the U.S. shale gas [ 2 ] , almost all new wells using horizontal wells , depth is usually between 1,200 to 2,500 cubic meters, and the use of long radius of curvature < 10. ~ 157300 > whipstock , measures to facilitate the transformation of late . Generally horizontal section length between 600 to 15,000 , with advances in horizontal well technology operations , the latest horizontal length of more than 30,000 . Most shale wells 611 83 towel horizontal section ends slightly resin coated silica sand heel than 15 ^ 450 > , flowback water and produced water after the birth when it is a good fracturing


Shale gas revolution "will affect the fracturing proppant

Recently the United States took the lead on the mining of new energy technology, Japanese media said it was "shale gas revolution", could you tell me the revolution in the field of energy will ceramic proppant the geopolitical? Beijing reader: comrade li jie li jie: hello! Shale gas is a kind of unconventional natural gas, a vast global shale gas resource distribution and huge reserves. The United States using high and new technology take the lead in a lot of exploitation of shale gas, opened the prelude of "shale gas revolution". The energy structure is undergoing major ceramic proppant manufacturers, increasing energy self-sufficiency. By the United States of the shale gas revolution is sweeping through more and more countries, the world's energy supply and demand will be significant changes in energy prices have a significant impact. Japanese finance Business Weekly said: "shale gas as a" rich energy reserves, is seen as air pollution and global warming star of hope. In tepco fukushima accident "go nuclear" calls, shale gas may be related to the natural energy complement each other, bring about a revolution to change the world energy structure. The U.S. energy information administration estimates that the United States has 860 trillion cubic feet of technically recoverable shale gas resources, including "proven reserves" is 273 trillion cubic feet.


Quartz sand has the following characteristics

Natural quartz sand is used in the first and widespread natural gas fracturing ( about 55% ) , the main chemical composition is silicon oxide (SiO2), while with a small amount of aluminum, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium compounds, and a small amount of impurities . Quartz content is an important indicator of the quality of quartz sand , quartz content of quartz sand fracturing is generally about 80% ; quartz content of foreign high-quality quartz sand up to 98% .
Quartz sand has the following characteristics:
( 1 ) sphericity of the quartz sand is preferably broken, still maintain a certain conductivity .
( 2 ) a relatively low density of the quartz sand , to facilitate pumping .
(3) 0.154mm ( ie 100 mesh ) or fine sand can be used as a natural crack down fracturing fluid filtration agent , filling cracks in oil fracturing proppant with the master .
Lower ( 4 ) the intensity of quartz sand and began crushing pressure of approximately 20MPa, fragmentation will greatly reduce permeability, but also by embedding, fines migration , congestion, fracturing fluid and non- Darcy flow effects of injury , fracture conductivity can be reduced to below 10% of the initial value , and therefore suitable for low pressure reservoir is closed .
( 5 ) the price is cheap, you can make the best in many areas . Origin of fracturing with quartz sand wide , such as Lanzhou sand, sand , Fuzhou , Fujian , Hunan Yueyang sand.


Paint manufacturing and construction technology requirements

In order to adapt to the requirement of ultra lightweight proppant manufacturing and construction process, coating with synthetic resin should be has the following features:
(1) in the coating with the dispersion medium, good solubility and dispersion.
(2) has excellent film-forming and specific coating performance, such as gloss, fullness, hardness, flexibility, weather resistance, chemical corrosion, etc.
(3) with other coatings can miscibility proppant conductivity synthetic resin, modified so that each other, improve the coating performance.
(4) properly pigment wetting, pigment dispersion in the paint.
(5)Good storage stability.
(6) Appropriate molecular weight, such as solvent crosslinking curing coatings with synthetic resin molecular weight generally under 104, solvent of conversion coating with synthetic resin molecular weight in 104 ~ 105, and latex paint with molecular weight more than in 105.
All landowners electrodeposition coatings with resin will take charge, and can dissolve in water.


Oil and gas well sand production is one of the important problems facing the loose sandstone reservoir

Oil and gas well sand production is one of the important problems facing the loose sandstone reservoir. The harm of sand production is mainly manifested in the following four aspects:
Oil and gas well production or shut down
Oil and gas well sand production, easy to cause sand buried reservoir, sand plug tubing and manifold and storage tanks in the sand, which was forced to shut down operations. Rinse the sand buried reservoir, sand plug removal of tubing, both time-consuming and expensive, hydraulic fracturing benifits can't completely solve problem. To resume production soon and need to work, live, shorter production cycle and make the oil and gas production, homework cost huge increase, serious economic loss.
The ground and underground equipment and pipeline abrasion
Hydrocarbon flow carried in the formation of sand main composition is sio2, the hardness is very high, is a destructive ceramic proppant suppliers abrasive, can make the pump seat wear and no seal, valve ball pitting, rod and pump cylinder strain, ground valve failure, serious erosion, oil transfer pump impeller thus forced to shut-in homework, replace or repair the equipment, cause the loss of production, the cost is rising.
Casing damage to oil and gas Wells scrap
Serious sand production for a long time in outside casing a huge hole, inner and outer force imbalance lead to sudden formation collapse, cause casing deformation, light weight, casing was wrong fault collapsing, lead to oil and gas Wells of scrapped.
Destroy the formation of the original structure or cause the formation permeability near wellbore area of serious decline
Oil and gas well after the sand, sand migration, formation sand near wellbore area of sedimentation is more, far wellbore area becomes loose structure. Caused a significant reduction in the formation permeability near wellbore area, oil and gas well production decline.
Solve the problem of oil and gas Wells sand production, must be based on the early prevention and control, to reduce the damage to the reservoir cementing