
High performance ceramsite is a suitable raw materials

High performance ceramsite is a suitable raw materials, ceramsite sand through special processing technology, produced by the different density level, high strength, low porosity, high performance ceramsite is refers to the ceramic proppants strength, bibulous bauxite proppant is low, density smaller roasting or unburned ceramsite. Light aggregate is rich in resources, wide variety. It has natural lightweight aggregate, solid waste light aggregate and artificial light aggregate. According to their formation conditions and performance point of view, can be used in the preparation of high performance concrete only through special processing of high performance ceramsite, foreign generally call it high performance light aggregate, also it can be said for the Gao Jiangtao grain in China, the round spherical ceramsite is USES the granulating disc production. Ceramsite sand grinding powder materials will be first, then add water granulation, made from a ball again for roasting or maintenance. At present our country most of the ceramsite is this species.

