
The classification of the ceramsite

The classification of the ceramsite:
A. According to the raw material classification:
(1) the shale ceramsite ceramsite (3) and (2) clay gangue frac sand companies (4) (5) rubbish lytag ceramsite (6) the biological sludge ceramsite (7) river sediment ceramsite
2. According to the intensity of classification:
Gao Jiangtao (1) (2) super light ceramsite
3. According to the frac sand of classification:
(1) the average density of ceramsite (2) the density of lightweight ceramsite ceramsite (3), light density
4. According to the shape classification:
(1) the crushed stone form spherical ceramsite ceramsite (2) the circle (3) the cylindrical ceramsite
5. According to the performance of classification:
(1) high performance ceramsite (2) general performance ceramsite

