
Currently, there are three main types of proppants

Currently, there are three main types of proppants: frac sandresin coated proppant (RCP), and ceramic proppants. Each proppant type has its own advantages and disadvantages, and reservoir engineers decide on the type to be used depending on geology, availability, prices, and Government regulations.
In 1947, first fracturing was done with fracturing resin coated silica sand. Fracturing sand is the basic type of proppant material and is being used since the first fracturing. The R&D on proppant resulted in two comparatively new proppants named resin coated proppants and ceramic proppants. Frac sand is low price untreated sand proppant with lowest conductivity among the three. Ceramic proppants and resin coated proppants are high quality, high strength, and high conductivity proppants; and are used in very low permeability wells or in multiple stages fracturing. Non-grain proppants like CO2, N2, and LPG are on the horizon but will take long time to get commercialized.


Hydraulic fracking is propagation of fractures through layers of rock using pressurized fracturing fluid.

Hydraulic fracking is propagation of fractures through layers of rock using pressurized fracturing fluid. This technique is primarily used in the extraction of resources from low permeability reservoirs such as shale gas, tight gas, and unconventional liquids; which are difficult to recover through regular drilling procedures.
In this process fracturing fluid is used. It consists of water, proppant, chemical additives, and guar gum. Proppant is the most integral constituent of the fracturing fluid after water. Proppant material keeps the generated fractures propped open and helps continued oil and gas recovery.


Post treatment proppant flowback is a leading cause of well production decline

Post treatment proppant flowback is a leading cause of well production decline, equipment damage, and well shut-ins for repairs. Proppant flowback can also cause loss of near wellbore conductivity and reduced connectivity to the reservoir.
Maide Ceramics curable resin coated proppant eliminate proppant flowback by forming a consolidated proppant pack in the fracture. This grain-to-grain bonding occurs under a combination of reservoir temperature and closure stress. This Stress Bond technology leads to increased proppant pack integrity and well production compared to uncoated and precured resin coated proppants.


Fracturing fluid technology is an important means to transform oil and gas fields

Fracturing fluid technology is an important means to transform oil and gas fields , it is the use of artificial methods of fluid injected into the rock of the grass-roots level to exceed the strength of the formation fracture pressure , so that cracks around the wellbore rock layers , forming a channel with high conductivity . In order to maintain open after fracturing the formation of cracks , oil and gas products through smoothly , injecting particulate proppant is one of the important measures.
Fracturing technology for worldwide oil production plays a very important role, but oil is a key oil fracturing proppant fracturing technology can be successful . High quality proppant can play an important role for the exploitation of crude oil. Oil fracturing proppant , is to keep the fractured rock formations deep split state support , particle size 0.2-0.9 mm, there is a certain roundness and sphericity . During use , the proppant hydraulic fracturing fluid mixing , using coercion injected deep cracks in the rock strata support to improve the conductivity of oil , increased crude oil production .


Kind of oil well fracking

(1) hydraulic fracking, mainly by changing the state of the fluid flow, reduce energy consumption and reduce the formation of fluid flow near the lower resistance to complete. So that it can inject the proppant to achieve the diversion effect, so that the oil production.
(2) high energy gas fracturing, boosted by rapid cracks, such cracks are not easily closed during the generation of cracks naturally there will be some debris off, these chips will be self-supporting from the cracks. Meanwhile, in a high temperature wax soluble pores, resin and asphaltene, high temperature can make crude oil viscosity reduction.
(3) acid fracturing ,it is the acid as a fracturing fluid without proppant fracturing.


Oil fracturing proppant selection mainly includes the type, size and concentration.

Oil fracturing proppant selection mainly includes the type, size and concentration. Select oil fracturing proppant and the pressure of the rock formations, environmental Maide proppant conductivity and yield requirements are closely linked. Should first consider when selecting Coal seam gas proppant nature and fracture flow capacity under certain geological, engineering conditions, combined with specific geological conditions (such as closure pressure, rock hardness, temperature, target layer properties) selected to meet the engineering conditions (fracturing fluid nature of pumping equipment), and can get a good yield results proppant. Second, you must also consider the economic benefits due to proppant variety, quality and origin conditions differences, there are differences proppant costs must be considered cost-effective, combining economics to analyze the preferred fracturing proppant


proppant are extremely useful to keep open fractures imposed by hydraulic fracking of a subterranean formation

In general, proppant are extremely useful to keep open fractures imposed by hydraulic fracking of a subterranean formation, e.g., an oil or gas bearing strata. Typically, the fracturing is desired in the subterranean formation to, increase oil or gas production. As noted above, fracturing is caused by injecting a viscous fracturing fluid, foam, or other suitable fluid at high pressure into the well to form fractures. As the fracture is formed, a particulate material, referred to as a “propping agent” or “proppant” is placed in the formation to maintain the fracture in a propped condition when the injection pressure is released. As the fracture forms, the hsp proppant are carried into the well by suspending them in additional fluid or foam to fill the fracture with a slurry of proppant in the fluid or foam. Upon release of the pressure, the proppants form a “pack” which serves to hold open the fractures. The goal of using proppants is to increase production of oil and/or gas by providing a highly conductive channel in the formation. Choosing the correct proppant, therefore, is critical to the success of well stimulation.


In fact the change of density quoted requires 40% more by weight of the high density ceramic

In fact the change of density quoted requires 40% more by weight of the high density ceramic to fill the same volume than the low density proppant would require. Proppants are purchased on a weight basis and a sintered bauxite proppant may have a price 20 times that of silica sand or more. When the density factor is taken into account the cost of changing from a silica sand proppant to sintered bauxite proppant may result in a more than 30 fold increase in cost of this component. Many attempts have therefore been made to produce proppants of high strength relative to sand but with a lower density than that of sintered bauxite. In this context European patent application No. 0 087 852 by Dresser Industries, Inc is relevant. This is based on the use of Eufala aluminous ore which after calcination contains 40-60% Al2 O3 and 36.5-51% SiO2. A density of less than 3 is claimed for this product with a minimum permeability at 10,000 psi of 100,000 Millidarcies at ambient temperature.


high density ceramic of proppants made of sintered bauxite proppant creates a problem

It has been recognised that the high density ceramic of proppants made of sintered bauxite proppant creates a problem in the placement of the material. This arises from the fact that the fluid used to transport the proppant requires modification from that used to transport for example, resin coated silica sand because of the substantially greater tendency for particles of sintered bauxite to settle more rapidly from the suspension. This increases the cost of placing the proppant but an even greater cost penalty results from the higher density by comparison with that of silica sand. It will be immediately obvious that a proppant with density of 3.7, which is typical of sintered bauxite presently used, will require a greater mass of material to fill a fracture of given volume than proppant with density of 2.65.


Hydraulic fracturing is a well stimulation technique

Hydraulic fracturing is a well stimulation technique designed to increase the productivity of a well by creating highly conductive fractures or channels in the producing formation surrounding the well. The process normally involves injecting a fracturing fluid at a sufficient rate and pressure to rupture the formation thereby creating a crack or fracture in the rock, and thereafter placing a particulate material or propping agent in the formation to maintain the fracture walls open by resisting forces tending to close the fracture. The propping agent or proppant must have sufficient mechanical strength to bear the closure stresses, provide relatively high permeability in the propped fracture, and resist chemical attack by liquids or gasses in the formation.


Oil well fracturing proppant

Oil well Fracturing proppant is a ceramic particle product with high fracture strength, mainly used for oil well supported in order to increase oil and gas production, an environmentally friendly product. Oil well proppant of various raw materials using high bauxite, sintered ceramics, natural silica sand, glass beads, metal balls, low intensity proppant substitute for oil and gas production with good results.

Oil and gas deep mining, the high closure pressure low permeability deposits by fracturing treatment, the rock cracked hydrocarbon, oil and gas from the cracks formed in the channel pooling out. Well along with the use of ceramic proppant into the formation hyperbaric solution filling fissures in the rock, play a supporting fissure is closed not because of the role of stress release, thereby maintaining high conductivity, so that gas flow, increase production. Practice has proved that using oil well  frac proppant  fracturing wells can increase production by 30-50%, but also to extend the service life of oil and gas wells.

Oil well fracturing proppant their quality is different, the effect is not the same. Shale, flowers and other ultra-lightweight ceramic mainly used for decoration, concrete and other industries; dense, low broken rate ceramic mainly used in petroleum industry, as a Proppant used.

1  ceramic pressure into the ground to ground softened, reducing the formation pressure, help the oil to be pumped to the surface;

2  After the oil is pumped, leaving gap formation, ceramic leaving them as a filler, does not cause ground subsidence.


Shale gas development challenges

(A) the implementation of the resource base and heavy task. Potential of shale gas resources, but large-scale exploration and development,fracturing proppant yet to determine the favorable target area and the region recoverable resources, work difficult, large capital investment, the implementation of a long cycle.

(2) the key technology breakthroughs take time. ceramic ball Of shale gas development is still in its infancy, the key development of technology has not yet mastered, breakthroughs in key technologies still need to do a lot of work.

(3) large-scale, diversified investment mechanism has not yet formed. A larger initial investment shale gas development in the input-output efficiency under conditions of uncertainty,Ceramic proppant lack of investment scale will affect the rapid development of shale gas.


Performance oil fracturing proppant

The role of Oil fracturing proppant (Fracturing Proppant) that separates the two wall cracks and effective support , so that always cracks after fracturing can be effectively supported , thus eliminating most of the radial flow formation , formation fluids to linear flow way into the cracks. Usually require fracture permeability than the formation permeability several orders of magnitude . Understanding the type of proppant and closed in the state under stress , performance evaluation and Hydraulic Fracturing Proppants to support a variety of factors influence fracture conductivity is the correct choice and use of proppants foundation.


Hydraulic fracturing is oil and frac sand companies gas well

Hydraulic fracturing is oil and gas well production and injection Wells is an important technical measures of augmented injection, not only widely used in low permeability reservoirs, and in medium and high permeability reservoirs production stimulation and good results have been achieved. It is to use the ground high pressure pumps, absorptive capacity of the viscous fluid has considerably more than the bottom displacement in injection well, don't gas pressure at bottom hole, when the time pressure is greater than the wall near the ground stress and formation rock tensile strength, the cracks near the bottom bolt. Continue to inject with ceramic proppant manufacturers carrying fluid, crack extension forward and fill with ultra lightweight proppant, closed fracture closure on resin coated silica sand, thus formed in the near the bottom of the bottom has a certain geometry dimension and flow conductivity of sand filling cracks, make to increase attention of technological measures. The principle of hydraulic fracturing increase injection mainly reduced near the bottom hole formation fluid in the change of fluid seepage and seepage resistance of state, is the original radial flow change for reservoir and the one-way flow of approximation and cracks between the wellbore and one-way flow, eliminate the radial throttling losses, greatly reduces the energy consumption. Injection and oil gas well production or injection Wells will be greatly improved. If hydraulic fracture can unicom fracture reservoir of deep oil and gas layer and gas, the increase of the effect will be more obvious. In addition, the hydraulic fracturing team near the bottom of a well damage to remove oil and gas layer is jammed. 


Oil frac proppant during use

Oil frac proppant during use:
Fracturing fluids and additives are mixed together, and then is pumped into the formation. Formations will produce cracks at the same time, and then the inside for oil fracturing proppant.
Oil fracturing proppant maintained after reflow cracks. Therefore, fracturing proppant must be strong enough to withstand the pressure of the corresponding closure, the cost ratio is: pumping liquid oil fracturing proppant 25%, 46%, 19%, 10% of acid fracturing chemicals materials.
Oil fracturing proppant fracturing is usually acidic and Hydraulic fracturing using:
(1) acid fracturing fluid pressure energy splitting rock fracturing fluid and oil fracturing proppant fractures, allowing gas flow.
(2) hydraulic fracturing we inject a high-viscosity fluid (liquid fracturing fluid and additives) into the well, a faster rate than the soil adsorption, which causes pressure around the crack formation and created at the bottom (commonly1-3 mm), and then injected into the cracks of oil fracturing proppant with proppant.


Oil fracturing proppant fracturing used in oil and gas sectors

The rapid development of the oil industry, and has been closely linked with the global macro-economic status. There are many companies rely on the oil, always concerned with the dynamics of oil, because oil is also a trend for the stock has a great influence. Oil as the world's most important raw materials, has become a speculative business goals. It can be seen, the oil's position in the global economy is important. While Oil fracturing proppant products as essential oil in auxiliary materials, has been widely used in many domestic and international oil exploration base.

Oil frac proppant is home to oil and gas well fracturing process is very important aspects. It fracturing process to increase oil and gas production rate and recovery.

Such cracks can prevent Proppant fast closing, maintaining hydraulic fractures propped high conductive medium to create an open and allow increased fracture flow capacity. The hydraulic fracturing proppant and chemical characteristics,  which greatly affect its efficiency. In the more suitable location, good proppant can make the oil industry has a good production and profitability, and for this reason, it is imperative to use the proper use of the product.


Actively promote the construction of gas infrastructure

First, actively promote the catalog revision approved , the State Council approved the partial decentralization of natural gas pipeline approval authority and the establishment of local provincial pipeline network and other infrastructure planning filing system. Second, efforts to conduct non- oil and gas reservoirs Hydraulic Fracturing Proppant Underground Gas Storages census screening and evaluation. The third is to accelerate the underground gas storage and other storage facilities approved work to ensure that gas storage facilities and pipelines Unicom . The fourth is to encourage the development of the country engaged in LNG import projects , the required domestic production of imported equipment can not be exempted from import duties within the specified range. Fifth, encourage inter-provincial pipeline network interconnection . Six are actively exploring strategic reserves of natural gas . Seven is based on coastal natural gas terminal layout , strengthen the interface and port planning , supporting the construction of the port unloading interim storage and transportation facilities , good navigation safety impact assessment and shoreline use approval work . Eight major projects is to strengthen social risk assessment maide natural gas fracturing efforts . Nine is to continue to press the " State Council to encourage and guide the healthy development of private investment in a number of opinions "  requires the active support of the construction of private equity capital for natural gas storage facilities and urban pipeline network .


ultra lightweight proppant two kinds of classification methods

A wide variety of synthetic resin paint, there are ultra lightweight proppant two kinds of classification methods:
(1) according to the main film forming material classification
Due to the resin is different and each has its characteristics (table 1). Alkyd resin coating production of the largest, fastest growing acrylic resin coatings, amino resin coating, epoxy resin coating, polyurethane coating production is bigger also, this is constitute the five varieties of synthetic resin coating.
(2) the classification according to the oil well fracking with the dispersion medium
Can be divided into three categories of solvent, water type, no solvent (table 2). Solvent-based coating production of the largest, widely used, but because of the need to use a large number of organic solvents, environmental pollution, are being high solid coatings, water type coatings, powder coatings and radiation curing coating gradually replaced. Sometimes call this a few kinds paint coating of saving energy and low pollution, save resources, is the coating product of new variety.


Hydraulic fracturing benifits

hydraulic fracturing benefits is a widely used technology transformation permeability reservoir . Since the eighties of last century , with the development of the oil industry , the need to increase the complexity of the transformation of the reservoir , it is recognized that a single plane of crack theory can not satisfactorily explain some of the construction parameters of the construction of the theory ; variety of detection methods prove underground cracks on the transverse or longitudinal extension of multiple simultaneously , which is caused by the reasons for the early sand plug and add sand construction failures ; currently on theoretical models and more cracks less . Therefore, an urgent need to study the formation mechanism of multiple fractures , multiple fracturing fluid , etc. while extending the model to study and understand the pros and cons exist multiple fractures , multiple fractures extending construction abnormal pressure , cracks and more cracks in the case of extended form, early sand blocking mechanism etc. , and thus provide for the elimination of multiple fractures theoretical support to guide people to the smooth transformation of low permeability , complex reservoirs . On the other hand , it will enhance people's understanding of the mechanism of fracturing , and promote the development of basic theory. Theory is the theory of multiple natural gas fracturing forefront of hydraulic fracturing theory, research more difficult , facing a lot of problems


Resin coated frac sand as the proppant

Resin coated frac sand as the proppant stimulation mechanism for hydraulic fracturing , the coated particles of the resin is filled in by generated maide fracturing proppants adhesion in the contact point region , a fairly stable and has a certain mechanical strength and permeability of the structure in the fracture . Electron microscopy samples found completely coat the surface of the particles of the resin after curing , the adhesive strength and in the section between the larger particles , which not only eliminates the high stress concentrations , but also to prevent the resin -coated high stress Ying produce fine grain under free . In short , the main reason for the resin coating as maide ceramic proppant sand proppant are the following : a resin-coated sand proppant can be prevented and the discharge tube or cracks around the proppant emptying . Deformable resin coating to avoid and prevent proppant crushing softer formations embedded . Tough coating having chemical stability oil , saline, and most of the acid. Resin-coated sand in the closure stress and temperature effects , fixed cracks in favor of oil production . Laboratory experiments on the physical characteristics of the resin coated sand were evaluated.
hydraulic fractures in the reservoir condition , the coating softens and adjacent coated particles adhesive layer , and finally cured resin hardens into non- plastic state , particle


Proppant most widely used

Proppant fracturing fluid into and supported by fracturing the formation of cracks, thereby effectively import of oil and gas wells, a substantial increase oil and gas production and extend well life. Structural performance Proppant to have a certain size and grade distribution of natural sand or synthetic high-strength ceramic particles. China proppant (ceramic proppant) with bauxite as raw material by powder granulation, sintering, high temperature, high pressure, corrosion resistance, high strength, high conductivity, low density, low breakage rate, etc. , the most widely used. In the resin-coated sand or ceramic surface, it is possible to further improve the strength and conductivity properties of the ceramic proppants.especially large-scale enterprise production. Domestic demand for oil continues to increase, dependence on foreign oil continues to increase. In order to meet the increasing domestic demand for oil, the oil industry has developed rapidly. Correspondingly related products is rapidly expanding. China's oil fracturing proppant suppliers industry at this time, the relatively rapid development, market growth rate reached 20%. 2009, China's oil fracturing proppant industry investment amount 470 million yuan, in 2011 increased to 620 million yuan, an average annual growth rate of over 13%.


China's ceramic proppant

China's ceramic proppant industry market concentration is low at present, China's ceramic proppant manufacturing enterprises large enterprises small, mostly small-scale manufacturers, has a monopoly position in the leading brands of very few on the market monopoly is not proppants for hydraulic fracturing strong enough. Market structure of ceramic proppant industry presents a low degree of concentration conditions, product diversification gradually increased. The first step is to enterprises with more than 100 million yuan in annual sales, a small number of such enterprises; second step is the annual sales of between 10 million yuan to 1 billion business, a relatively large number of medium-sized firms, accounting about 25% of the total number ceramic proppants of enterprises; while the largest number of 10 million yuan below the small-scale enterprises, we can say plenty of room for market growth, companies with good prospects. Third, the ceramic proppant industry technology development of China at present, China fired ceramic kiln incineration process commonly used to prepare material its matching, sludge dewatering, drying, resin coated proppant grinding, kiln into a ball, the kiln into a ball fired thermal screening classification, control of raw materials testing, finished product to detect and adapt to their firing technology, equipment, automation and control, has mature experience.


Role of ceramic proppant

Ceramic proppants oil, a key material of low permeability gas exploration fracturing oil and gas wells, in good macroeconomic policy, ceramic proppant products in the future natural gas fracturing exploration and development of oil and gas wells in applications will be more widely used , in line with national industrial policies. Accelerate local economic development, through the development of energy, increase investment, the development of new application technology, led a complete industrial chain of circular economy and building a harmonious society has become the primary task of the various local governments. Ceramic proppant has played an important natural gas fracking role in the application of oil and gas wells, not only to increase oil and gas production, and can extend the service life of oil and gas wells. Therefore, from the ceramic proppant developed technology, the practical application point of view, there is a very good market space, in line with the relevant policies of local governments.


Relationship with crude oil proppant acidification of compatibility

In the production of oil proppant time, another serious problem is the reaction of formation fluid is crude oil with an acid to remove residual oil phase can increase the effectiveness of the acid system. Some oils, in particular black heavy oil (<30'APl) and an acid or acid forming slag (precipitated asphalt), either to form a stable emulsion. Moore et al (1965) reported the problem, and give a solution. Sometimes slag breaker agent and does not prevent the formation of a stable emulsion formation. Houchin and Hudmn (1986) discussed similar issues exist organic deposition. Recent resin coated proppant studies have shown, how to prevent the reaction of the acid and the crude acid residue and more stable emulsion. Some "difficult" crude oil between the crude oil and the need to use a hydrocarbon solvent, an acid buffer, crude oil, and the acid can be miscible. Buffers to reduce exposure of crude oil and an acid, and prevent or reduce the acid sludge and emulsion problems. This technique, In Wyoming oilfield construction will increase the success rate from 25% to 75%.
Due to the pressure drop, the asphalt particles will settle. Mutual solvent can be used to partially or completely ceramic proppant disperse them. This action will help to better dissolve the acid-soluble acid solid. To an already oil-based mud competing well well before acidified with an aromatic hydrocarbon solvent pre-soaked conducive flowback. Formulations mutual solvent and surfactant solution can be used as a pre-rinse solution, to restore the formation of water-wet condition.
reported the use co, as a pre-construction solution on acidification has many benefits, helps to reduce the amount of acid to achieve the desired success increase. This type of solution has been demonstrated in the pre-core studies, can improve oil displacement efficiency and improve the flow of the oil.


Ceramsite proppant, production method

ceramic proppant is oil, natural gas extraction in the process of fracturing operation to support the solid particles of rock joints with certain strength.

  During the fracturing operation process, proppant mixed with fracturing, using high pressure means will be injected into the deep rock crevices, forming high permeability channel, so that the oil or gas outflow from the cracks.

  The practice proved that, the use of high aluminum proppant fracturing wells can increase the yield of 30 ~ 50%, the service life can be extended well.


Proppant testing becomes more important

Frac proppantis to crack open after lamination, for supporting the fracture to prevent fracture closure of a solid particle. It is an important part of hydraulic fracturing, its quality directly affects the size and the length of validity of fracture conductivity, thereby affecting the fracture stimulation effect. Thus proppant testing becomes more important


Hydraulic Fracturing Proppants has become the main measures of well stimulation

Hydraulic Fracturing Proppants technology has become the main measures of well stimulation, it has been widely used in the development of various oil and gas fields, of which an important part of the proppants for hydraulic fracturing, obtained many breakthroughs, especially in low permeability oil and gas development period today, proppant improve performance so that hydraulic fracturing stimulation effect increased significantly.


Ceramic ball are widely used in natural gas fracturing

Ceramic ball are widely used in petroleum, chemical, fertilizer,natural gas fracturing and environmental protection industries. As the reactor coverage tower packing proppants and catalyst. It has a high temperature high pressure, low water absorption,chemical stability characteristics. Can withstand acid, alkali and other corrosive organic solvents and can withstand temperatures occur during the production changes. Its main role is to increase the gas or liquid distribution points, support and protect the strength is not high activity catalyst.


Hydraulic fracking technology development

Hydraulic fracking technology originated in the United States, it is the main method of shale gas exploration and development. Application of hydraulic fracturing technology can greatly improve the unconventional natural gas  production, the application of the principle is to participate chemicals into the water poured into the hydraulic fracture shale gas reservoir, thereby releasing the gas. With the large-scale commercial development of unconventional oil and gas resources, hydraulic fracturing technology must be large-scale application.


Kind of oil well fracking

(1) hydraulic fracking, mainly by changing the state of the fluid flow, reduce energy consumption and reduce the formation of fluid flow near the lower resistance to complete. So that it can inject the proppant to achieve the diversion effect, so that the oil production.
(2) high energy gas fracturing, boosted by rapid cracks, such cracks are not easily closed during the generation of cracks naturally there will be some debris off, these chips will be self-supporting from the cracks. Meanwhile, in a high temperature wax soluble pores, resin and asphaltene, high temperature can make crude oil viscosity reduction.
(3) acid fracturing ,it is the acid as a fracturing fluid without proppant fracturing.


Fracturing technology for worldwide oil production plays a very fracture stimulation important role, while oil fracturing proppant fracturing of oil is the key to the success of the availability of technology.
High quality proppant can play an important role for the exploitation of crude oil. Oil fracturing proppant, is to maintain a deep fissure formation rock split state support. During use, the proppant fracturing fluid mixing, using coercion injected deep cracks in the rock strata support, to improve the conductivity of oil, increase crude oil production.
At present, the domestic use of fracturing ceramic, quartz sand, but their intensity is low, only for the exploitation of shallow wells. If these proppants for use in the deep, will bear enormous pressure and rock formation environment in a variety of corrosion will be a lot of broken, but prevented the outflow of oil, it is difficult to meet the requirements of the well.
Multi-sintered corundum products internationally, but to meet the requirements of this article, although the physical and chemical properties, but the sources of raw materials difficult, fracturing proppant complicated process, and the high energy consumption, high cost.
We use bauxite, together with special materials, through the laboratory, to obtain new proppant substantially achieve the desired purpose.


When oil and gas after deep mining, high closure pressure after fracturing low permeability deposit processing, the hydrocarbon formation split, passage of oil and gas from the cracks formed in the collection out bauxite proppant of the fluid injected into the rock grassroots needs at this time, to exceed the formation fracture pressure strength, so that cracks the rock around the wellbore to form a channel having a high level flow capacity, cracks formed to maintain open after fracturing oil and gas product can be smoothly passed.
         Petroleum proppant into the formation along with high-pressure solution filled in the cracks in the rock, play a supporting fracturing proppants fissure is closed not because of stress release effect, thereby maintaining high conductivity, so that oil and gas flow, increase production.


Clean fracturing fluid and proppant transport laid an hydraulic fracturing proppant important impact on the fracturing effect, currently based in this area are more theoretical research and field trials, the experimental study of indoor less. A transparent parallel plate fracture filling simulation device for four factors proppant settlement laws were studied. The results showed that: the greater the viscosity, the sedimentation rate is smaller; fracturing fluid carrying sand performance with increasing displacement, reduce proppant density linear growth law; the sand was less affected than the settling velocity; wherein the three main factors the impact of fracturing fluid carrying capacity of descending order of clean fracturing fluid viscosity, density and proppant sand-liquid ratio. Proppant settlement laws recognize further improve the rationality fractured wells construction parameters.
Proppant in the fracture of sanding concentration, distribution, etc. are laid way affect the important fracture conductivity. The factors that determine the distribution of proppant in the fracture displacement law including collision construction, construction pressure, sand-liquid ratio, fracture surface, proppant particles between proppant and fracturing fluid physical properties and the like.
It has been reported in the fracture proppant Hydraulic Fracturing Proppants settling in the law, but has not yet formed a systematic research. Therefore, the strengthening of the settlement of the proppant in the fracture, and has important practical implications for oil fracturing wells.
Domestic researchers discussed migration and law laid proppant in theory, field test mainly rely on simulation software, there are few aspects of research experiments. Transparent parallel plate apparatus proppant study law laid artificial fracture to guide mine construction.


Traditional ceramic proppant mainly clay and frac proppant bauxite as material preparation. Australia Ecopropp company developed a new proppant merchandise, the merchandise mainly byproducts of coal-fired power plant fly ash material prepared from. Now, this product has passed the examination of third-party organization prestige, fully meet ISO specifications.
According to reports, compared to the traditional clay-based proppant and bauxite-based proppants, fly ash-based proppant has good performance, low cost level, a significant advantage. First, the material widely origin, low prices. Ash-based proppant to coal-fired plants waste fly ash as material, origin very widespread, many regions and even free use. Second, the pressure level is high, compared to kaolin-based proppants 10000 PSI 7500 PSI and bauxite based, fly ash-based proppant pressure rating up to 14000 PSI. Third, low production costs and transportation costs. Ash-based proppant quality than the other two proppant lighter, and simple production process, the production process less chemical consumption, and therefore lower its cost of production ultralight weight and transportation costs. Fourth, the big profit space, at the same market price, ash-based proppant due to its low cost and with greater profit space.


Proppant is a granular material costly oil and gas oil fracturing proppant exploration fracturing used in water conservancy. After deep mining at oil and gas, high pressure low permeability deposit closure after fracturing treatment, the hydrocarbon formation split, passage of oil and gas from the cracks formed in the collection out, then need to inject fluid rock grassroots to exceed formation fracture the intensity of pressure, so that cracks the rock around the wellbore to form a channel having a high level flow capacity, after maintaining fracturing the formation of cracks open, the oil and gas product can be smoothly passed. As the hydraulic mining technology expansion in oil and gas exploration in the field of ceramic proppant global market demand of 450,000 tons from 2003 to 2013 of 3.6 million tons, worth about $ 2.5 billion market.
The traditional ceramic proppant mainly clay and bauxite as starting material. Australia Ecopropp company developed a new proppant products, which mainly byproducts of coal-fired power plant fly ash as raw material from. Currently, the product has passed the authority of the third party testing, fully meet the ISO standards.
According to reports, compared to traditional clay-based proppant and bauxite-based proppants, fly ash-based proppant with good performance and low cost significant advantage. One wide source of raw materials, low prices. Ash-based proppant to waste fired power plant fly ash as raw material, wide range of sources, many areas even free of charge. Second, the pressure fracturing proppants level is high, compared to the kaolin-based proppants 10000 PSI 7500 PSI and bauxite based, fly ash-based proppant pressure rating up to 14000 PSI. Third, low production costs and transportation costs. Ash-based proppant than the other two proppant lighter, and the production process is simple, the production process less chemical consumption, and therefore lower its production costs and transportation costs. Fourth, profit margins, in the same market price, fly ash-based proppant because of its low cost and with greater profit margins.


After deep mining at oil and gas, high pressure fracturing proppants low permeability deposit closure after fracturing treatment, the hydrocarbon formation split, passage of oil and gas from the cracks formed in the collection out, then need to inject fluid rock grassroots to exceed formation fracture the intensity of pressure, so that cracks the rock around the wellbore to form a channel having a high level of current capacity, the formation of cracks to keep the fracture open after the oil and gas product can be smoothly passed.
Petroleum proppant into the formation along with hydraulic fracturing proppant the high-pressure solution filled in the cracks in the rock, play a supporting fissure is closed not because of stress release effect, thereby maintaining high conductivity, so that oil and gas flow, increase production.


Most proppant material obtained by LAS, additives can reduce fracturing proppants the sintering temperature fracturing proppant. Studies have shown that: the additive at a lower temperature may promote generation liquid, or a solid solution reacts with Al2O3, improved sintering activity. The most commonly used additives are mainly manganese powder, barium carbonate, calcium carbonate, dolomite, chromite and so on. In the high-temperature sintering manganese ore and manganese ions are easy to replace aluminum ion, the lattice variation, thus promoting sintering, its amount is generally 1% to 3% is appropriate; barium carbonate and calcium carbonate at high temperature sintering process will monoclinic barium feldspar and anorthite Dan Shengcheng, both to protect the other components of the product from acid erosion, which amount to 3% to 5% and 1% to 2% is appropriate; dolomite at high oil fracturing proppant temperatures can promote liquid generate, promote sintering, but also to promote the precipitation of corundum surface secondary mullite crystals, improve the sintering properties of the sample, is generally added in an amount to 2% to 3.5% is appropriate; chromite sintering temperature can be reduced, promoting mullite phase formation, the amount of chromite corundum grains will promote development, increase density, improve strength, its amount is generally 1% is appropriate.


Clean fracturing fluid and proppant transport Hydraulic Fracturing Proppants laid an important impact on the fracturing effect, currently based in this area are more theoretical research and field test, and experimental research on indoor less. A transparent parallel plate fracture filling simulation device for four factors proppant settling laws were studied. The results showed that: the greater the viscosity, the sedimentation rate is smaller; fracturing fluid sand-carrying performance with increasing displacement, reduce proppant density linear growth law; the sand was less affected than the sedimentation rate; which three main factors the impact of fracturing fluid carrying capacity of descending order of clean fracturing fluid viscosity, density and proppant sand-liquid ratio. Recognize proppant settling rules can be further improved rationality fractured wells construction parameters.
Proppant in the fracture sanding concentration, fracturing proppants distribution, etc. are laid way affect the important fracture conductivity. The factors that determine the distribution of proppant in the fracture displacement law including collision construction, operation pressure, sand-liquid ratio, fracture surface, proppant particles between proppant and fracturing fluid properties and so on.
It has been reported in the fracture proppant settling in the law, but has not yet formed a systematic research. Therefore, strengthening the settlement of the proppant in the fracture, and has important practical implications for oil fracturing wells.
Domestic researchers discussed migration and law laid proppant in theory, field test mainly rely on simulation software, there are few aspects of research experiments. Transparent parallel plate device research proppant law laid artificial fracture to guide mine construction.


Hydraulic fracturing technology shale gas utilizes proppant high-pressure pump ground water and other chemicals mixed to form a fracturing fluid into the ground shale, shale after being fractured, releasing oil and gas contained therein. In recent years, the breakthrough of the technology and widespread use, promote a substantial increase in shale oil and gas production frac proppant the United States, but also caused American society concerns about the technology that may contaminate nearby drinking water wells shale oil and gas resources.
In 2009, the US Congress should request, EPA began the study, investigate all aspects of the hydraulic fracturing with water-related, including access to water, the drilling site was added chemicals injected underground fracturing fluid pressure wastewater treatment and discharge after the split is completed.


Type of proppant
Fracturing proppant can be broadly divided into natural and artificial two categories. The former, represented by quartz sand, the latter is often referred to as  Ceramic proppant .
Oil production in the market currently widely different prices using five standard proppant which are natural quartz sand, synthetic aluminum silicate moderate density proppant (ceramic sand),ceramic proppant synthetic high-density alumina moderate and silicate Proppant , high strength and high strength bauxite proppant zirconium silicate, and applying a curable coating and pre-cured resin coated proppant natural or artificial sand. They are in the oil and gas production in each plays a different role.
Artificial development and role of proppant
In the late 1970s, the United States developed sintered bauxite (ceramic) and smelting zirconia support agent. High-intensity artificial invention of synthetic materials in water conservancy proppant fracturing technology development to achieve a decisive breakthrough,bauxite proppant this synthetic material with a low intensity sand significantly different, resistant up to 69 ~ 103MPa (10000 ~ 15000psi) the closing pressure. Therefore, the development of modern fracturing fluid with high-performance, high-pressure deep wells for the fracturing has opened up new avenues. In 1976 the first sand court in the United States has been applied. And because the amazing fracturing effect promoted the rapid development of deep fracturing. As sintered bauxite proppant and fused zirconia particle size distribution with a round ball high, acid-resistant and strong, high compressive strength up to 139MPa (20000psi) closed under pressure is still the best guide streaming capability.
In the late 1970s and early 1980s there are two kinds of artificial ceramic proppant introduced into the market, they are mullite and mullite and corundum mixture, but also medium-density and high-density material, respectively resistant pressures up China proppant to 55MPa (8000psi) and 69 MPa (10000psi) the closing pressure. Both moderate strength  Proppant  rom the density, conductivity, resistance to closure pressure and price, fill the low-intensity and high intensity natural quartz sand fused zirconia sintered bauxite, and the gap between. Both have relatively low density proppant in the construction of suspension and transmission performance, by the sand-carrying fluid filling the crack does not occur when precipitation. Thus expanding the economic and technical fields of application.


Oil fracturing proppant is a ceramic granular oil fracturing proppant product with high fracture strength, mainly used for oil well supported, to increase production of oil and gas, an environmentally friendly product. This product is the use of high-quality bauxite, coal and other raw materials, sintered ceramic, is a substitute for natural quartz sand, glass beads, metal balls and other low-strength proppants to increase oil and gas has a positive effect. When oil and gas exploration in deep, high pressure low permeability deposit closure after fracturing treatment, the hydrocarbon-bearing formation split, passage of oil and gas from the cracks formed in the collection out. Accompanying support material with high aluminum high-pressure solution is filled into the formation in rock fissures, cracks do not play a supporting closed due to stress release effect, thereby maintaining high conductivity, so that oil and gas flow,
Increase production. Practice has proved that the use of high-alumina proppant fracturing wells can increase production by 30-50%, but also to extend the service life of oil and gas wells, oil and gas wells in low permeability mining: key materials during construction. Products used in deep fracturing, it will be filled into the formation of deposits in low permeability fractured, high closed fracture treatment, the hydrocarbon-bearing formation split, play a supporting fissure is closed not because of stress release, thereby maintaining oil and gas high conductivity, not only to increase oil and gas production, and can extend the service life of oil and gas wells. My company's own development and production of 52MPa, 69MPa, 86MPa low, medium and high strength ceramic proppant, is a high-tech products. Henan unique advantage of high-quality bauxite raw material, through a unique grinding, pelleting and high temperature sintering, high temperature, high pressure, high strength, high conductivity, and corrosion resistance and other hydraulic fracturing proppant characteristics, is the exploitation of oil and natural gas fracturing indispensable good helper. Products by the China Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Langfang Branch support evaluation laboratory testing, the performance indicators fully meet SY / T5108 / 2006 standards, the current leader in the domestic level, the company's products after the United States STIM-LAB laboratory test results complete accord APl standards, has reached the international advanced level.


At present, the domestic hydraulic fracturing proppant use of fracturing ceramic, quartz sand, but their strength is relatively low, only for the exploitation of shallow wells. If these proppant for deep, it is difficult to bear enormous rock pressure, it will cause a lot of fragmentation, not only can not make the oil yield but preventing oil outflow. The current domestic proppant for deep wells will need to be imported from abroad, domestic production can not. Which virtually increases the cost of production, so the domestic eager to produce its own high-strength proppant Hydraulic Fracturing Proppants fracturing of oil for deep mining field. In this experiment, bauxite, kaolin burned as the main raw material, auxiliary materials, iron oxide, burnt dolomite, manganese, made under laboratory conditions of high strength proppant fracturing of oil.


frac proppant

Proppant is a ceramic granular frac proppant product with high fracture strength, mainly used in oil well supported, to increase production of oil and gas, an environmentally friendly product. This product is the use of high-quality bauxite and other raw materials, sintered ceramic, is a substitute for natural quartz sand, glass beads, metal balls and other low-strength proppants to increase oil and gas has a positive effect. When oil and gas exploration in deep, high pressure low permeability deposit closure after fracturing treatment, the hydrocarbon-bearing formation split, passage of oil and gas from the cracks formed in the collection out. Ceramic proppant material along with high-pressure solution is filled into the formation in rock fissures, cracks do not play a supporting closed due to stress release effect, thereby maintaining high conductivity, so that proppant oil and gas flow, increase production. Practice has proved that the use of ceramic proppant fracturing wells can increase production by 30-50%, but also to extend the service life of oil and gas wells.


Preparation of ceramic proppants

Ceramic proppant manufacturers man-made ceramic proppant traditional method of preparation agents mainly bauxite and fluxing phase (such as manganese ore) with a certain proportion, crushed grinding (particle size of 300 mesh), the disc granulator granulation step was prepared by raw material ball, high temperature sintering of medium or high density ceramic proppant. Through the oil shale residue, bauxite and fluxes in proportion with, crushed by disc granulator granulation was prepared by primer raw material ball, and then after high temperature sintering a low density ceramic proppant. China proppant oil shale residue is waste oil shale oil shale refining later.

Cumulative oil shale residue accumulation would take a lot of land, but also endanger the health of residents; the pollution of heavy metals in the process is a lot of oil shale residue contains, after rain leaching or diffusion of serious pollution to the surrounding water, land, poisoning of land, acidification, the destruction of soil productivity, disruption of agricultural production, to the detriment of health of the residents. But oil shale residue contains large amounts of mineral components, such as quartz, feldspar, clay and other ingredients, after firing the distillation, the structure is very loose, very light density, the larger the loss on ignition. Man-made ceramic proppant prepared and coated ceramic proppant use oil shale residue, not only can reduce the accumulation of oil shale residue on a lot of land occupation, to eliminate a serious threat to the environment, ecology and human health, but also can improve oil use value shale slag.


Proppant is a ceramic granular product can be widely used in deep

Frac proppant it can be used in fracturing in deep, high-pressure oil and gas layers. High-quality bauxite, the raw material for the king to be finely ground into fine powder after crushing, with various additives, repeatedly kneading, granulation, polishing. High temperature sintering, proppant supplier The product has high strength, low density, good ball, finish high, strong conductivity and so on. By the China Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Langfang Branch support evaluation laboratory testing, the performance indicators fully meet SY / T5108-2006, SY / T6302-1997 standard, currently in the lead.

Fracturing proppants is a ceramic granular product with high fracture strength, mainly used in oil well supported, to increase production of oil and gas, an environmentally friendly product. This product is the use of high-quality bauxite and other raw materials, sintered ceramic, is a substitute for natural quartz sand, glass beads, metal balls and other low-strength proppants to increase oil and gas has a positive effect. When oil and gas exploration in deep, high pressure low permeability deposit closure after fracturing treatment, the hydrocarbon-bearing formation split, passage of oil and gas from the cracks formed in the collection out. Ceramic proppant material along with high-pressure solution is filled into the formation in rock fissures, cracks do not play a supporting closed due to stress release effect, thereby maintaining high conductivity, so that oil and gas flow, increase production. Practice has proved that the use of ceramic proppant fracturing wells can increase production by 30-50%, but also to extend the service life of oil and gas wells.


Proppant substantial increase in oil and gas production and extend well life

Frac proppant of natural sand with a certain size and grade distribution or man-made high-strength ceramic particles. Ceramic proppant ceramic proppant bauxite as raw material by powder granulation, sintering, high temperature, high pressure, corrosion resistance, high strength High conductivity, low density, low breakage rate and other characteristics, the most widely used. In the resin-coated sand or ceramic surface, can further improve the strength and conductivity properties of the proppant.

China proppant and supported by the fracturing fluid into the formation of cracks in the fracture, thereby effectively import oil and gas wells, a substantial increase of oil and gas production and extend well life.
Expected in the next few years, China's oil fracturing proppant industry will rapidly expand the size of the market, the rapid increase in the total capacity of the enterprise. Oil fracturing proppant products in the direction of high-strength development. Moreover, the product will trend toward more segmentation, product line will be further enriched. China's oil fracturing proppant market size will be rapid development, the annual growth rate of more than 27%. 2012 oil fracturing proppant market size growth rate 29.23%, the market size of about 2.74 million tons.


Oil fracturing proppant In addition to a small amount of tungsten heating

In addition to a small amount of tungsten heating material for high temperature furnace, heater tubes and composite reinforcement endures, most of them are used for the Resin coated ceramic proppant production of whiteTungsten wireFilament incandescent lamps and halogen and gas discharge lamp electrodes. Cathode gas discharge lamp for use as tungsten or tungsten rods, in order to reduce its electron work function, shall be added
0.5-3% thorium, tungsten thorium called wire. Since Thorium is a radioactive element, pollute the environment, it made a useful cerium tungsten thorium instead of cerium cerium tungsten wire or rod. But ceriumEvaporation rate, so that a tungsten filament or tungsten, cerium Ce can be used for small power pole gas discharge lamp.Once the use of tungsten at high temperature recrystallization becomes very brittle in case of a shock or vibration can easily break. In some of the requirements of high reliability electric light Ultra lightweight proppant in order to prevent breakage of the filament, often in the tungsten doped with 3 to 5% of rhenium, tungsten, rhenium wire is called, it can make the tungsten brittle transition temperature down to the extension at room temperature


Ceramic proppant

In effect the success of resin coated sand proppant , the effective length depends primarily on the quality of the proppant. The role of fracturing proppant that produce hydraulic fracture filling, so that it becomes closed again, and the ability to form a crack diversion has the ability to get the stream. Fracture conductivity is the ability to transport crack spread reservoir fluids, and propped fracture permeability and fracture proppant closure wide representation of the product is generally believed that the type of proppant in the fracture and the physical properties of distribution and fracture closure pressure is the main factor controlling the fracture conductivity. Thus, the physical properties of palm Resin coated ceramic proppant and fracture conductivity affected by many factors, there is a reasonable choice in favor proppant fracturing fluid and conducive to fracturing proppant material made more precise requirements.