
China's ceramic proppant

China's ceramic proppant industry market concentration is low at present, China's ceramic proppant manufacturing enterprises large enterprises small, mostly small-scale manufacturers, has a monopoly position in the leading brands of very few on the market monopoly is not proppants for hydraulic fracturing strong enough. Market structure of ceramic proppant industry presents a low degree of concentration conditions, product diversification gradually increased. The first step is to enterprises with more than 100 million yuan in annual sales, a small number of such enterprises; second step is the annual sales of between 10 million yuan to 1 billion business, a relatively large number of medium-sized firms, accounting about 25% of the total number ceramic proppants of enterprises; while the largest number of 10 million yuan below the small-scale enterprises, we can say plenty of room for market growth, companies with good prospects. Third, the ceramic proppant industry technology development of China at present, China fired ceramic kiln incineration process commonly used to prepare material its matching, sludge dewatering, drying, resin coated proppant grinding, kiln into a ball, the kiln into a ball fired thermal screening classification, control of raw materials testing, finished product to detect and adapt to their firing technology, equipment, automation and control, has mature experience.

