
The main problem with the limited development of ceramic proppant industry

Since the "15", especially since China's accession to WTO, ceramic proppant problems facing the industry, more and more competitive market can not meet the need for rapid development of the national economy, their situation can not meet the complex market competitive situation. In recent years, ceramic proppant suppliers within the industry to strengthen exchanges and foreign exchange industry, whether it is the industry compared with other countries in the same industry, or in contrast to the Bank's trade with each other, are exposed to the problems and gaps, These problems must be taken seriously in the future.
1, due to the rigidity of the capital increase and other reasons, the difficulty of application technology research and development funds greater coordination and scheduling;
2, individual land approval procedures and technology enterprises are still the bottleneck of industrial development.
3, enterprise development diseconomies of scale: the industry to small and medium scale enterprises are mainly based, industry concentration is not high.
4, a short time into the rapid growth of industry manufacturers. Manufacturers not only increase overall economic indicators ceramic ultra lightweight proppant industry contributed, but also for the needs of the market and make a contribution. But in this situation rapidly growing market of high-end products, possession and no growth, but is foreign suppliers call came. Similar products, backward technology is still in the market place. Ceramic proppant product quality is still low-end products, while its negative impact is the impact on the development of some enterprises, affecting the industry, there is the potential ability of the business bigger, doing fine, and stronger, this phenomenon is the inevitable price to generate the primary segment of the market economy, it will also be with the improvement and standardization of market economy and move to a more uncertain market.


Analysis of ceramic proppant industry and export status

According to Chinese customs statistics, from 2005 to 2007 of ceramic proppant exports continued to grow in recent years, the export situation is good and fast development of the product, is China's ceramic proppant main reason for the rapid growth of exports. The second half of 2008, continuing the international economic downturn, many export-oriented manufacturers have ceramic proppant into the domestic market, in 2008 the export volume of ceramic proppant only 32,900 tons, down 9.4% ; exports of $ 6.315 million, down 15.6%. Into 2009, with the further support of monetary policy around the world, there are signs of the global economy, coupled with the favorable factors brought about by China's domestic financial policies, the 2009 ceramic lightweight proppant export volume of China rebounded.
Japan, Russia and Southeast Asia is our ceramic proppant main export countries and regions, as China occupies an absolute cost advantage, so the products are currently exported to many countries and regions, the current market share in terms of product Overseas markets still much to do.
Look at China's imports, due to our ceramic proppant, the low intensity of products, and the high strength of the product in the past for a long period of time mainly depends on imported products. With our high-strength ceramic proppant production technology successfully developed and industrialized application, breaking the monopoly of foreign products in this category, imports of ceramic proppant products began to fall, but also by the domestic economy in 2008 the impact of slower growth in domestic demand is relatively relaxed than in previous years, this is the 2008 decrease in imports of ceramic proppant of the main reasons. 2008 imports of ceramic ultralight weight for 8765.2 tons, down 2.5%; imports amounted to $ 4,383,000, a decrease of 10.8% with hoot. Into 2009, China's economic embarrassment by the state policy of stimulating domestic demand eased, the market is increasingly active, supporting domestic demand in the high-end ceramic products increased in 2009, China's imports of ceramic proppant reach 9273 tons, while the amount of imports is reach nearly $ 4.65 million. Italy, Japan and the United States is imported ceramic proppant of major countries and regions


Natural gas pressure of mining fissure

Because in the process of exploitation of natural gas, salt and sand attached in the water, leading to salty and muddy difficult to re-use. People often in the publicwastewater treatment plant worn surface treatment fracturing residual water, rather than through injection well underground recovery or disposal, is most common inthroughout the Northeast America Marcellus shale, and the origin of this point is also the fracturing of the debate.
In order to reduce the risk of fracture, and reduce the exploitation ceramic proppants of worry,Professor Reible points out that we must do two things: first, the drilling operationmust strictly implement best practices for the industry; second, must be coordinated,reused or re injection water in the more well, or improve surface treatment. Butresearchers at Cockrell School of engineering is committed to the innovation and the cooperation work.
Osmosis chemical engineering petroleum proppant Benny Freeman and doctoral studentdevelopment, more resistant to adhesion, thereby overcoming the obstacles of themaximum water reuse. Completely eliminate the methods of water on the use of stillother researchers. Researchers developed software can make the operator to designhydraulic fracturing, by injecting carbon dioxide, nitrogen, liquid foam or other types of liquids, instead of water to extract oil and natural gas.


Fracture mining technology

Fracturing technology by injecting sand, water and chemicals into wells, the formation of cracks in the shale formation and extraction of natural gas. Due to the level of drilling technique, the changes in mining techniques for the development of non productive deep shale formations over the past ten years, conventional,unconventional natural gas and two other forms of (tight gas, CBM) along with the increase of 30%-40% of domestic energy production.
But some people think that the energy gain is costly, and France, the United States of New Jersey and New York, due to the environmental impact of worry, has banned takefracturing technology of hydraulic mining.
In the numerous of mining process view, there is a thought that this will pollute thegroundwater, caused by the earthquake, causing chemicals such as methane andbenzene leak into the air. So far, oil and gas regulators and other groundwater protection experts also found no sign that is directly linked to the China proppant and groundwater pollution, but also did not conduct a comprehensive research on this technology.
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of University of Texas-Austinprofessor Danny Reible recently by virtue of its groundwater expertise in helping the U. S. environmental protection agency to study the Fracturing proppants , he thought that the occurrence of pollution may be due to poor drilling design and construction or waste management surface bad.


Method of limiting layer fracturing

To pressure for multilayer and each layer has different rupture pressure wells. Thenumber and diameter of control of each layer perforation, and as far as possible to improve the injection rate, using the first frac sand perforation friction layer improve the bottom hole pressure and achieve a divider multilayer purpose.
A, B and C three reservoir, fracturing pressure respectively 24, 20 and 22MPa,according to the respective eyelet perforation scheme launched. When injected into the bottom hole pressure is 20 MPa, B laminated open; and then enhance the displacement, due to perforation friction is proportional to the displacement, B layerperforation friction reached 2 MPa injected into the bottom hole pressure is 22 MPa,namely the C layer is pressed; continue to improve the displacement, B layerperforation friction reaches 4MPa at the bottom of the hole injection the pressure is 24 MPa, the A layer is pressed to open. Perforation of the effect is similar to thedownhole throttling device, with a Ceramic proppants displacement increase, the bottom hole pressurecontinues to improve, and then laminated open.
Limit the key flow method of layered fracturing perforating fracturing is to plan according to the requirements of reasonable design, including perforation, hole density and pore size, so that the completion and fracturing to form a unified whole.


Fracture Heightgrowth controlling technique

When the oil and gas layer is very thin or middle layer and the shielding layer between the minimum horizontal main pressure difference is small, the crack pressure height to easily enter the shielding layer, when the need to control the natural gas fracturing heightextension. Can be realized by controlling the Proppant fluid performance parameters and construction displacement, the more reliable is the artificial interlayer fracture Heightgrowth controlling technique.
The basic principle is in the pre adding liquid floating or sinking type guide agent,through the front fluid into the crack, floating guide agent and sink type guiding agentrespectively, floating and sinking gathered at the top and bottom of artificial fracture,low permeability formation compaction artificial barrier, prevent crack pressure upward/ downward propagation, reach the fracture height controlling purpose. In order to make the two guide agent can move up and down, usually in the injection with guiding agent liquid short-term after the pump stops, then the fracturing operation normal.
Artificial interlayer fracture height controlling technology is mainly used to 1) bulkhomogeneous formation production layer and non production layer interbed; 2)production layer and between layers of water gas, good interlayer; 3) production layer and the shielding layer stress difference can not effectively control the cracks ofvertical extension.


Fracturing fluid cost and environmentally friendly use of natural gas

Natural gas used for hydraulic fracturing is said to be in American breakthrough, shale gas has low cost, but the domestic cost but has not closed, what reason be? A bossinadvertently say one of the mysteries of. Fracturing fluid is the main cost of shale gasis said to account for more than 70%, and the main component in the shale gas fluidssuch as sodium salicylate and quaternary ammonium salt, sodium salicylate salicylic acid if not made of raw materials or without high level such as pharmaceutical grade,the intermediate process of sodium salicylate as raw material for the production of salicylic acid in phenol water crude sodium salicylate the solution of sodium salicylate,take this cost can be greatly reduced by at least half or even below 40%, however at the cost of the crude sodium salicylate containing 2-3% phenol toxicity great. Thisleads to two problems, one is USA really with crude sodium salicylate as fracturing fluid (maybe it can oppose shale gas from USA environmentalists and proposed the pollution of fracturing fluid containing phenolic evidence), this can be from the exportstatistics or manufacturers such as the biggest foreign trade personnel than domestic manufacturers to understand, two is the 2-3% of phenol will be diluted to what extentas to whether the trace phenol also has the role of sterilization effect of 2-3% relative to the groundwater quality can be ignored or even play a positive role in the pollution of water resources, the domestic serious groundwater pollution serious situationdecision is difficult. So, the oil well fracking fluid cost can be greatly decreased by more than half, the key is to consider the influence of environmental protection.