
Shale gas set off an energy revolution

U.S. shale oil supply shocks shift the global balance of power, shale oil production of economic value added, but critics say the environmental costs are also increasing.
U.S. shale oil reserves will rise in new and existing between manufacturers change the global balance of power in the next five years, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA),Fracturing proppant the U.S. will account for one-third of the new energy supply, the United States will change from the world's leading net exporter of oil-importing countries.
Changes in demand for oil will slow oil imports from the Middle East oil-producing results.
"North American off a supply shock, sending ripples around the world," the International Energy Agency Executive Director Maria van der Hoeven.
According to the International Energy Agency predicts that the surge in production capacity we will reshape the entire industry, mainly through the agency twice a year for the next five years, the trend of oil supply and demand report and famous.
IEA said in 2015 the U.S. is expected to replace Russia as the world's largest producer of natural gas, in 2035 will become the "all use of shale gas and self-sufficiency" of the country,ceramic ball we rise in production volume means the world to the traditional oil-producing countries - Middle East and OPEC (OPEC) will soon end,
According to the International Energy Agency, from 2012 to 2018 will take place in the traditional non-opec countries increased 390 million barrels of oil per day, accounting for about two thirds of the growth is expected.
At the same time, global oil demand will increase by 8%, will be dominated by non-OPEC supply, the report says the International Energy Agency is still expected in the next five years, the production capacity in the Middle East Peck suppliers continued growth, but hopefully slowing down.
It is easy to understand Lida market report, OPEC production capacity holds 35% of global oil output is expected to increase 1.75 million barrels per day to 3,675 barrels in 2018 to approximately 750 million barrels more than the IEA forecast for 2012 less.
Sharp rise in U.S. oil production is largely derived from shale oil products, it is hailed by many energy savior.frac sand Hydraulic fracturing, blasting water under high pressure shock release oil shale rock (or gas), this method has been very mature in the United States, but critics point out the oil shale environmental problems such as high water use and possible water pollution, the release of methane and to a lesser extent caused by the seismic drilling.

