
The most important thing is the Asian energy security issues

Asia is the world's largest and most dynamic energy market , it therefore has a global responsibility .
Asia 's rapid economic growth to promote its huge energy consumer demand. However, due to the release into the atmosphere of carbon dioxide emissions in the coming decades may be doubled ,Hydraulic fracturing Asia 's high dependence on fossil fuels is likely to cause significant adverse environmental damage.
It is estimated that due to urbanization and there are more sources of energy , Asia's share of total global energy consumption, the proportion may be increased to one-third from the current 50% to 2035 . The Asian Development Bank said that under the current energy structure situation in Asia ,Proppant Asia 's oil consumption may rise double natural gas consumption may be increased by two , while coal consumption could rise by 80%.
Asian challenge is on the one hand and the need to allow for sustainable energy policies to promote the continuous development of the economy , on the other hand are available so that people can be cheap energy .
Solve these politically sensitive energy issues can be difficult, but as long as policy makers to show creativity and determination , these problems are not insurmountable . This also requires governments in the region between the concerted action .
Asia's new energy policy direction has been very clear , mainly related to three aspects .
The first is to use clean energy to replace fossil fuels, especially oil and coal . Shale gas is an option. China has the world's largest reserves of shale gas potential . If it can be successfully resolved hydraulic fracturing involves water and pollution problems , it can reduce the heavy use of coal .
Despite the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident , nuclear power is still economically viable solution. As long as the non-proliferation , waste management and security progress , Asia is likely to expand use of nuclear energy .
Should also pay more attention to local development of new green energy technologies or transfer of those technologies developed problems . From advanced technology solutions , including urbanization economies electricity storage and smart grid , until in poor agriculture-based countries, the basic energy off-grid power systems . Use of clean energy costs by introducing or expanding greenhouse gas emissions tax or carbon emissions trading mechanism to resolve.
The second key issue is energy subsidies . In some countries, due to government regulations tariff is lower than generation costs ,frac sand does not properly reflect energy costs, thus distorting the price structure , resulting in rapid growth in electricity demand .
It will not play a role in encouraging the efficient use of energy , especially in the power-hungry industries. Subsidized and affordable energy will not encourage investment in the electricity industry , because it would bring the power companies a heavy financial burden , and even cause their loss . As for the people to provide gasoline and other basic fuel subsidies , more severe deficits in some countries .
Reduce subsidies to reduce energy demand while helping to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. In general, Asian countries should adopt market-based pricing policies to encourage energy efficiency and reduction of oil and other fossil fuels imports. In some cases , if a fuel subsidy is specifically targeted at the poor , in order to prevent social unrest or encourage technological breakthroughs , you can retain this subsidy.
As the world's proven oil imports accounted for only 9% of oil reserves , so the problem of oil imports is particularly important for Asia . However, according to current trends, oil imports are expected in the next 20 years will be increased by two , so that Asia is more vulnerable to external supply crisis.
Finally, it should be like in Europe, efforts to promote pan-Asian energy market integration, including under uniform regulations, standards and pricing policies will be national grid.
This is certainly a daunting task. Asia is not similar to the European Union as a political framework . Moreover , the Asian region is vast , diverse geographic features , from the mountains to the sea has been so with relatively compact compared to Europe , Asia energy cooperation to harder .
But with Asia continue to strengthen the construction of regional economic groupings , such as ASEAN and China in Northeast Asia , Japan and South Korea to establish a free trade area between energy policy coordination is likely to be carried out .
We hope that will be held in October in Daegu, South Korea at the World Energy Congress will also provide the region's energy ministers,unconventional gas CEOs and energy companies to provide an opportunity and a platform for researchers , as can be about how to overcome the Asian challenge their energy to make the discussion valuable contribution .

