
China shale gas development should address the various issues

In any case, China  shale gas  revolution has attracted global attention , this is a success. China to promote its domestic energy situation accelerate the exploitation of shale gas . IEA 2010 data show that Chinese traditional oil production is declining , by 2030 , China 's oil demand will be 79% dependent on imports , in order to alleviate this situation , China has increased the pace of unconventional oil and gas exploitation .
According to the Chinese Ministry of Land and estimated domestic shale gas reserves of about 886 trillion cubic meters , but according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that more reserves of about 127.5 billion cubic meters . According to the projections, China shale gas reserves than the United States and Canada combined.Fracturing proppant For shale gas , China has formulated a long-term plan . China's " Twelfth Five-Year Plan" shows that by 2015, China's shale gas production will reach 65 billion cubic meters in 2020 and strive to reach 100 billion cubic meters . By then, shale gas will account for 10 percent of China's energy needs . To achieve this goal, China should increase oil and gas companies shale gas technology and cooperation in the field of research , although currently there has been some progress, but on the development of China's domestic shale gas is limited.
China has classified as independent minerals shale gas , shale gas this decision gave more room for development , because it got rid of the "three oil" control , the introduction of competition, and state-owned , private and foreign companies have the right to participate in bidding.
Chinese state-owned oil and gas companies to increase in recent years in the process of internationalization efforts for all to see , have been established with a number of international oil and gas giant consortium expansion overseas oil and gas industries. China in the international energy market advancement is indicative that it has realized the importance of strengthening overseas operations , especially with the rapid economic development, expanding the scope of business of oil and gas fields has become extremely necessary . As funded by Chinese companies in overseas acquisitions very efficient, especially in North America , CNOOC acquisition of Nixon is a typical success story. China is moving towards large-scale development of shale gas .frac sand Acquisitions allow a better understanding of the international market, China 's shale gas technology and progress , and similarly, shale gas for China a huge market , many international giants have expressed interest . Currently, Royal Dutch Shell , Chevron , Exxon Mobil , BP already Sichuan, Guizhou and other provinces of shale gas geological conditions conducted an investigation.
Future shale gas industry will escort the development of China's economy , but China should face shale gas in the face of various environmental and technical issues to be resolved through positive way , to achieve the harmonious development of resources and the environment .

