
Tight oil production growth can not be sustained

Dense oil situation is very similar. Two shale oil production up 81% of the nation's tight oil - South Texas Eagle Ford, as well as North Dakota and Montana Bakken.Fracturing proppant These two areas are in the new year well production dropped by about 60% after the second year of production only lasted less than 40% in the third year is less than 30% and continued to fall. Comprehensive old production wells, the whole field is the annual rate of decline of about 40%.
These fields can be used to maximum capacity depends on the maximum number of wells drilled.frac sand companies Can not be separated between wells too close, because it will draw on a reservoir with the reserves, increase costs, but can not increase the amount recoverable. EIA estimates Bakken and Eagle Ford oil can withstand the number of wells, almost three times the number of existing wells, or about 12,000 per oil wells.
Suppose now Bakken annual rate of drilling 1500 wells is maintained, it is expected to yield may rise to 100 million barrels / day. However, based on the Bakken EIA estimated the maximum number of drilling locations, production peaked in 2017.Proppant By then, can be used to drill additional wells will be exhausted, followed by attenuation of 40% annual yield. I do not agree with those who believe that Bakken production will be for many years to maintain a high level of view, this situation required number of wells, the number of more than meet the requirements of thousands of mouth.

