
Chinese ceramic proppant manufacturers - to seize the opportunity to challenge the future

Chinese ceramic proppant manufacturers - to seize the opportunity to challenge the future

    With the U.S. North Dakota oil exploration and development, the process of  Hydraulic fracturing  ceramic proppant demand is also growing, the Chinese manufacturer of  ceramic proppant  provided an opportunity.
China's oil fracturing  Proppant  is the ceramic sand, with its ability to support good, gradually replacing the traditional sand, a monopoly on the U.S. market for  fracturing proppant   Ability to support not sand, sand is pumped under high pressure deep strata under pressure after easily crushed, so more and more companies do tend to use ceramic proppant. At present, China-made ceramic proppant has occupied the entire North American ceramic proppant market share of 13%, with an average annual business volume of 30 billion U.S. dollars.
Ceramic proppant production inputs small, but highly profitable, Chinese  Proppant  manufacturer offers the advantages of cheap local bauxite, bauxite is an important raw material of ceramic production. Over the past two years, the ceramic proppant large price rises, U.S. domestic manufacturers have begun struggling to regain market.
But with the Chinese domestic shale gas exploration and development in the rise of China's ceramic proppant seems to have to worry about sales. In addition, the U.S. shale oil and gas development in the ascendant, from Ohio to Texas, shale oil and gas well drilling is heating up, the demand for ceramic proppant great on prices also have a certain tolerance.

