
Oil fracturing proppant better insulation properties and high temperature

Oil fracturing proppant better insulation properties and high temperature

    Oil  fracturing proppant  ceramic support material with a solution into the formation along with the high-pressure filling in cracks in the rock, play a supporting fissure is closed not because of the role of stress release, thereby maintaining high conductivity, so that gas flow, increase production. To meet the needs of domestic and international oil and gas wells, ceramic sand oil prices based on the depth of the user can choose different intensity and different specifications. Oil and gas deep mining, the high closure pressure low permeability deposits by fracturing treatment, the rock cracked hydrocarbon, oil and gas from the cracks formed in the channel pooling out.
    Oil fracturing proppant dense phase due to the continuous increase in sheets of water, feeding and a cue ball in the tray constantly rolling cue ball surface film of water is also constantly so the cycle suction absorbent material gradually formed the cue ball while the ball rolling when the mechanical action of the pellet gradually increasing the density of the bond plus the role of the clay pellet produce certain mechanical strength to meet the requirements until the formation of the ball as the raw material pellet, pellets, powder sports performance differently.
    Oil  Ceramic proppant  eramic blocks describes the following to Lytag small hollow block construction characteristics as described characteristics: no interface agent, without special mortar, brick construction methods like the same sintering. Product Features: thermal insulation, impermeability antifreeze, lightweight insulation. According to the construction requirements of the different Mu can produce different grades of ceramic hollow block.
    Oil fracturing proppant ceramic blocks classification ceramic hollow block of large ceramic hollow blocks, small ceramic hollow blocks, hollow blocks, etc. Lytag. Ceramic blocks feature ceramic hollow block is characterized by a special structure of lightweight ceramic foam resistance, high temperature resistance, thermal insulation properties of ceramic hollow block thermal insulation effect can be achieved with more than 50% energy saving overall national environmental policy of continuous improvement is our new energy-saving concept of the future development trend China has strongly advocated green energy in the building structure which we need to take a more advanced technology to improve energy efficiency. Oil fracturing  Proppant  particles round, uniform, surface roughness, porous, well-developed internal pore surface area and thus biological bacteria
adhesion ability breeding fast, efficient biofilm under low temperature and turbidity ammonia removal effect reached advanced domestic level duty cycle Long-period large water production.

