
Hydraulic fracturing in oil and gas fields of use

Hydraulic fracturing in oil and gas fields of use
Hydraulic fracturing is a process for oil and gas well stimulation to maximize the exploitation of underground oil and natural gas and geothermal energy.  Hydraulic fracturing  process involves the collection of water sources, the construction of oil and gas wells, the well stimulation and fracturing waste disposal. Hydraulic fracturing was first used in 1947, but this fracturing  shale gas  extraction economical, it is in 1997 on the exploitation of the Barnett Shale in Texas.
In contrast with many media reports, hydraulic fracturing is not a "drilling process." Hydraulic fracturing is used after completion of the drilling. Simply put, the use of hydraulic fracturing fluid and certain materials, creating a small, or repair the fracture, thereby improving new and existing oil and gas production wells. Further understanding of hydraulic fracturing subterranean formations in the manufacture of a crack or fracture process, thus promoting natural gas and oil flow. Water, sand and other additives are pumped under high pressure into the depth of oil and gas-rich shale in the formation of cracks. Fracturing fluid containing about 98% of water and sand, along with a small amount of special additives. Newly created cracks supported by the  frac sand   which makes natural gas and oil into the wellbore, and collected into the ground.
Hydraulic fracturing has pioneered a way, through this way, oil and gas resources in production could reach hundreds of percentage points. Usually in the life of an oil and gas wells, hydraulic fracturing operation is only carried out once.

