
Made of ceramic sand is how

Made of ceramic sand is how

Ceramic proppant is how you know you made  Here Xiaobian to introduce you made ceramic sand.

    Ceramic sand, is generally used to replace concrete, gravel and pebbles, is the use of various types of clay, slate, shale, coal gangue, and industrial solid waste and other raw materials, through the ceramic sintering.
    Ceramic sand has low density, thermal insulation, impermeability, excellent, excellent alkali aggregate reaction, low water absorption, frost resistance and good durability, and many other advantages. Ceramic sand, by definition, is the ceramic particles Finer called sand, also known as oil  fracturing proppant   Exterior features, ceramic sand most were round or oval-shaped ball, but there are some imitation stone ceramic ball is not round or oval, and irregularly shaped gravel. Color due to the appearance of ceramic raw materials and processes used in different different. Firing ceramic colors are mostly dark red, red ocher, there are some special varieties as a pale yellow, gray and black ceramic  Proppant  sand, gray, gray and so on.

