
Shale gas exploitation requires precision seismic exploration technology

Barnett (Barnett) and Eagle Gefu Te (Eagle Ford) have significant storage brittle characteristics, which makes them easy to fracturing. Needless to say,  Unconventional gas  industry focused on the potential increase in penetration forecast area, which is due to the natural breakdown occurs, possibly followed by an increase due to hydraulic fracturing.

The current approach is to use horizontal wells and hydraulic fracturing technology, identify these "sweet spot" and optimize production. Sometimes conventional seismic rock properties is generally used to determine the maximum stress predicted the trend, and then determine to promote  Hydraulic fracturing  well trajectory. Some companies are also micro-borehole seismic data acquisition, to facilitate a more direct measurement of the anisotropy of rock properties, while other companies focus on existing wells drilled between the fragility of the region. For example, in the Barnett Shale, the workflow technology has played an important role, according to the report shows that 80% of the production comes from drilling, 30% from completion.

Compared with conventional oil and gas resources, unconventional resources from the traditional point of view, be regarded as non-profit, because they require some form of artificial stimulation (such as hydraulic fracturing) or lifting (steam sensing) to substantially increase oil and gas production. But with rising energy prices and advanced technology, these unconventional resources has now become very economical.

Unconventional resources exploration activities in the United States Barnett (Barnett) Shale, Eagle Gefu Te (Eagle Ford) shale and Bakken shale most successful. It is estimated that these areas also contains a huge oil reserves, could be as high 30Bbbl. These predictions have not only attracted the attention of the U.S. energy company, has also attracted the attention of international and multinational companies.

