
U.S. scientists are studying new ways to locate proppant

Recently, American scientists are experimenting and developing a positioning on the  Proppant  of new technologies. This new technology will support the agent and the oil industry have a profound impact.  hydraulic fracturing  is an advanced technology that can safely and effectively from shale oil and gas development. In the process of hydraulic fracturing,  Ceramic proppant  plays an important role. We all know that in the right use of ceramic proppant to be used when observing CNT (compensated neutron logging tool) after fracturing records, sometimes with and after fracturing record corresponding to the record before fracturing.

In this process, HTNCC (thermal neutrons mixture) will absorb the increasing thermal neutron count rate reduction of the near and far detector, the two detectors rate minus the number displayed is the same as the ratio , thus ensuring the two count rate ratio is not changed. One way is to observe monitoring proppant fracturing filled area recorded after the reduction in the ratio, thus to compare after fracturing monitoring records and monitoring records before fracturing.

There is also a monitoring approach, which requires only recorded after fracturing the formation of gas saturation changes, the effect is particularly evident. Because proppant itself did not affect the counting rate of the key, so the count rate recorded after fracturing will not suffer too much. This comprehensive data than were laid in the fracturing proppant after fracturing the detected position data recorded more optimized. The third way is to use pulse neutron capture tool, as shown by the detector and the measurement data of rock and the amount of increase wellhead link area, to identify the marked-ceramic proppant.

