
Replacement of conventional natural gas shale gas resources

At present, China's energy consumption, dependence on foreign natural gas nearly 30%. Development of shale gas  resources is very urgent. Exploitation of shale gas resources can effectively complement the natural gas energy supply gap for China's economic and social development. Compared with conventional natural gas, China's unconventional gas resources are very abundant. The so-called  Unconventional gas  resources, is not yet fully understood, yet can learn from the experience of mature technology and scale development and utilization of a class of natural resources, including tight gas, coal bed methane, shale gas and combustible ice.
Ministry of Land and Resources recently released results of the evaluation show that China's conventional natural gas resources of 55 trillion cubic meters of geological, recoverable resources 34 trillion cubic meters; unconventional natural gas, coalbed methane resources of 37 trillion cubic meters, can be recoverable resources of 11 trillion cubic meters; shale gas resource potential of 134 geological trillion cubic meters of recoverable resource potential of 25 trillion cubic meters. China  shale gas  and other unconventional gas resources development and utilization will form a new industry, and promote the equipment, R & D and manufacturing technology services and other related industries, the economy a huge boost. Although the state of exploitation of unconventional gas resources have subsidies, but for now, yet unconventional gas resources have a cost advantage.
In shale gas, for example, "according to the current level of exploration and development estimates, the cost of a single horizontal wells in mined about 80 million yuan, the scale of production, the level of investment of about 50 million yuan wells. Taking into account such factors as the cost of land use with an estimated cost of shale gas in the United States about 2.5 times. "With the technology and equipment level, the recent exploitation of shale gas in the United States is expected to control the cost of less than 2 times. Overall, the future world energy landscape, natural gas in the energy is becoming increasingly important,  unconventional gas  are also growing in importance.

