
Seam fracturing technology to achieve significant innovation network

Seam  Fracturing  technology to achieve significant innovation network
October 30, Daqing Oilfield Downhole Operation Branch of Fuyang reservoir for external oil stripper wells situation took slit net fracturing method of increasing oil field effect is obvious, stripper wells transformed into productive and efficient wells.
Seam net effect of increasing oil  fracturing  test wells is 5.3 times the conventional fracturing techniques can greatly increase the underground reservoir seepage area, so as to enhance the effect of increasing oil production. Fuyang Reservoir in Daqing peripheral oilfields undeveloped reserves are 416 million tons, oil sand body is thin, poor, scattered, as ultra-low permeability reservoir, water injection in the development process is not effective, natural productivity is very low, descending fast, "multi-well low-yield" .
To achieve cost-effective development of Fuyang reservoir, in July 2011, Daqing Oilfield Downhole Operation Branch raised seam fracturing network exploitation of new ideas, mainly for ineffective or inefficient injection well area, explore the formation of large-scale artificial networks seam system, increase the fracture and reservoir contact area, reducing the flow resistance, to achieve the initial single well and long-term stable yield.
Seam  fracturing   test network will be concluding the end of 2013, after a successful trial, the average single well fracturing well sewn mesh increasing oil will be more than 3 tons, to achieve peripheral oilfields cost-effective use of Fuyang reservoir from the "multi-well low-yield" to "less well yield" change, while peripheral oilfields will Fuyang reservoir of unused oil reserves to provide cost-effective development of strong technical support.

