
Structural changes in the international energy impact analysis

If the future of China could overtake the United States rather than just "guest " world's first large country location imported oil ,  shale gas  revolution brought about by changes in the international energy structure will be more far-reaching implications , not only to the new international division of labor, but also affects the layout of industrial ecology and trade and other aspects.

First, the international energy structure changes greatly affected the distribution of the international energy market territory . First, the U.S. position in the international oil market will extend from the demand supply-side direction . Citigroup an analytical report that due to their increase in the amount of shale oil mining , oil and gas production in the United States is now the world 's fastest growing countries , the United States may in the future to achieve " energy independence" ,Ceramic proppant the report even including the United States , Canada, North America , including Mexico, known as the " new Middle East ." Second, with the U.S. foreign oil imports reduced, and many oil-exporting capacity needs through other channels to digest , and absorb the oil exporting countries on China 's surplus production capacity will play a more important role. Third, the pressure on the world's major oil-producing countries are not the same . Now it seems that the U.S. is a major reduction from Nigeria and other countries of the light oil , heavy oil, and for the major export markets of the Gulf countries , the United States still rely heavily on . Because the U.S. dependence on foreign oil decline , the United States is likely to further the future of the existing trading partners to be screened , and for places like Venezuela, the United States "do not like " countries , the United States is also likely to reduce the country 's oil from such imports.
Second, with the development of shale gas on the international energy prices play a role in repression , the United States re-industrialization process will get wheel drive . With the third industrial revolution accelerated process , the U.S. manufacturing sector will largely depend on production efficiency to overcome the disadvantages of scarce labor resources . Meanwhile, the U.S. manufacturing sector will help stabilize energy prices by lowering costs to regain price competitiveness .
Again, will bring new economic growth point , especially with the " shale gas" revolution approaching, the U.S. oil industry once again active. American Gas Association released a study shows that by 2015 ,frac sand companies shale gas on the U.S. contribution to GDP will reach $ 118 billion , about 800,000 Americans will thus get jobs , compared to the U.S. unemployment rate fell 0.5 percentage points.
In addition , the United States leading force in the international energy market opportunities for further strengthening. In the use of financial derivatives speculation , the international speculative capital not only for the energy needs of the United States subject to speculation, but also more energy supply capacity against the United States for speculation . Thus , the international market prices of the long and short of energy conversion pace will be more frequent , will add more uncertainty .

