
Of unconventional oil and gas exploration and development long way to go

Now, with the world's oil and gas reserves and production in general difficult to maintain or even decline, oil depletion increasingly serious shadow enveloped the hearts of people. However, in recent years, as the representative of the United States in North America, in shale oil (gas), tight oil {gas}, coalbed methane, oil sands, heavy oil and other  unconventional gas  resources exploration and development of a major breakthrough, to an increasingly difficult World oil industry brings great hope. Still sleeping in the ground unconventional oil and gas resources are conventional oil and gas resources, more than four times, with advances in technology will continue to be taken out, and continue to make contributions to human civilization and progress.

Our unconventional oil and gas resource potential is huge, especially in tight oil (gas), shale oil (gas), oil shale, coal bed methane, heavy oil, oil sands, natural gas hydrate reserves are very rich. Our unconventional oil and gas exploration and development should be accelerated and orderly, hierarchical, focused gradual manner. For more realistic unconventional oil and gas, such as tight gas, tight oil, technology is relatively mature, should strengthen its efforts to large-scale, rapid advance; outlook for the exploration and development of technical difficulty, but relatively large, environmentally stressful unconventional oil and gas resources, such as  shale gas   shale oil, coal bed methane, you should first select a relatively complete infrastructure, resource potential relative to implement and reliable regional (eg southern Sichuan, and Chongqing) cautious expansion, and in the policy, funding support, the establishment of demonstration areas , until conditions are ripe gradually to promote the country; For technical conditions are not met, but has significant strategic importance of unconventional resources such as gas hydrates, should increase research efforts, rainy day.

2013, China's unconventional oil and gas exploration situation is more optimistic. Chinese government attaches great importance to unconventional oil and gas, the Ministry has conducted several rounds of bidding; China Petroleum, China Petrochemical, China has three major oil companies CNOOC southern Sichuan, Chongqing, Ordos, Junggar invested heavily in other areas, and has achieved a breakthrough, tentacles also extends overseas; also set up relevant institutions specializing in unconventional oil and gas resources in research institutions. I believe 2013 of unconventional oil and gas resources in the theory of innovation research, technology development, oil and gas major discovery there will be good news for other aspects.

