
British Petroleum intends to invest $ 1 billion oil field in Alaska

British Petroleum, said last month approved the company's tax breaks, which is to promote its reason for this investment. Currently, BP is Prudhoe Bay in northern Alaska (Prudhoe Bay) oilfield operators,fracturing proppant whose shareholders include Exxon Mobil (XOM) and ConocoPhillips (COP) and other oil giants. BP said the company will increase drilling equipment, upgrading of existing facilities, and will create 200 new Alaska jobs.

In the past period of time, the region's crude oil production has been in decline. Alaska crude oil and natural gas company lowered its taxes, continue to press for a 35% rate of tax the profits of these companies, and also canceled a system, in this system, crude oil prices rose when the company required to pay the tax will increase.
British Petroleum also added that other shareholders also supported the company in western Prudhoe Bay $ 3 billion additional investment, expand the new development work. Prudhoe Bay oil and gas production in the late 1980s, reached a peak, and then have been in decline. If the region's oil and gas production continues to decline, then the cross-Alaska oil pipeline will face the risk of being shut down.

Prudhoe Bay is the largest oil field, but oil and gas companies have been focusing on new opportunities, and focus its efforts in North Dakota and Texas and other areas to conduct business. In these areas, oil and gas companies can use fracking shale oil and  shale gas. Alaska is America's fourth-largest oil-producing states, Oklahoma ranked sub-ah before, but after California.

Shale oil shale refers to the shale oil resources contained in the Department. Including pores and cracks in the shale oil, including mud shale lines or dense carbonate and clastic rocks adjacent layer sandwich of oil resources. Usually effective development approach to horizontal wells and staged fracturing technology. In the field of solid mineral oil is a synthetic oil shale, oil shale retorting is thermal decomposition of organic matter generated when a brownish, with special pungent odor, viscous liquid product.

Some critics have pointed out that the State of Alaska for oil and gas companies implement tax relief bill is a "free gift" will cause the state continues to face a deficit.Proppant Critics also said that oil and gas companies have touted those items had been commenced.

