
Shale gas development should be combined with the actual situation

U.S. unconventional oil and gas development in the field of the achievements to astound the world and longing, but in envy at the same time, we need to know its  shale gas  development is not achieved overnight. United States declared that "technological progress" through decades of exploitation of unconventional oil and gas continue to process the obtained experience, this experience is rooted in the United States unique geological conditions, well-developed systems, and active financial support to private landowners profit-driven and other factors, the applicability of this experience there is a huge difference with the United States and other countries?Fracturing proppant answer will not be so optimistic.

As U.S. shale gas development technology as deeply rooted in their national conditions, China's shale gas development will also take the "Chinese way", in addition to no other shortcuts. "Chinese way" is not blind yourself and work hard to take advantage of the North American shale gas revolution outcome was very necessary. Only the North American experience and the perfect unity of China's actual situation, China's shale gas development will be a breakthrough.

In fact many international energy giant has started shale gas market in our adventure. ConocoPhillips, BP, Shell, etc. have been in the country looking for partners to jointly develop shale gas resources in China want to take a slice of shale gas development.frac sand companies But if you want fulfilled, its projects in China will have a long learning process is beyond doubt.

Recently, the president of Shell China Haibo in the face of the media, said that Shell construction and operation of large and complex projects has a wealth of experience, part of the technology can be directly imported from North America. But more importantly, the Shell to explore how to make these techniques applicable to China's environment.

He said that Shell and PetroChina has set up a joint venture to design, manufacture and effective use of innovative construction well system, has achieved some success.

And has extensive experience in shale gas exploitation international energy giants, China's shale gas development companies in this field basically a blank for the first time only a few oil and gas enterprises to participate in the tender, while the second tender,ceramic ball the non-oil business such as power companies, private capital, and even with energy completely detached performance of real estate companies are enthusiastic, but the absence of core technology, wanted knowing where to start.

