
UK shale gas or Yin Zhengyi

Senior British politicians, especially the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne minister, has been in U.S. shale boom casting greedy eyes for some time. June 27, they finally got something to prove their favorite  shale gas  industry almost nonexistent own country, like the British Geological Survey published a new shale gas resources on research. Research figures undoubtedly marked an impressive 1300 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, currently estimated trapped in shale rock in northern England, more than 400 years the UK's current consumption. "Faced with increasingly gained attention shale gas, only in view of its potential scale it would be irresponsible, we do not encourage its exploration," Energy Minister said. However, the British Geological Survey shale gas resources can not really tell how much can be extracted, it will not make a report to the British Government, the Wall Street Journal reported Webber Casey and Sarah Kent.Fracturing proppant British Geological Survey and even warned that although there is a greater resource estimates, recoverable reserves may not be more than 4.7 trillion cubic feet of estimated long produced a couple of years ago. Department of Energy and Climate Change said that in the United States, where the shale gas industry's most advanced, with 10% recovery has become typical. This will produce 130 trillion cubic feet of new natural gas reserves, from the UK's current proven reserves of 8.7 trillion cubic feet of conventional natural gas (equivalent to 40 years of British tradition of consumption). However, the U.S. may be the only suitable shale drilling, "Financial Times" reported Cady laid upon the West. U.S. Energy Information Administration recently published data show a lower recovery rate is only 4% of the UK, the equivalent of 19 years of demand estimates, quartz Shidifulai Wen wrote. Whether recovery, the British government is very eager to get moving and shale industry to overcome growing public concerns about environmental safety of the hydraulic fracturing process used to produce gas. UK's leading shale gas explorers, Cuadrilla Resources has been protesting his goal. Last week, in the south of England was forced to postpone its drilling program, Friends of the Earth Environment Bureau official complained that it did not get a license. Designed to overcome local resistance,frac sand the British government on Thursday promised incentives related to nearby towns and villages agreed to shale gas drilling operations. Local communities will receive $ 153,000 (with respect to each of the hydraulic fracturing sites and the production of income 1%) Energy and Climate Change said. This incentive is necessary because, unlike in the United States rests with the national mineral exploitation, rather than local landowners. Other European countries also hope to get shale gas, according to the St. Leon Energy a new battle plan in August of Poland will be the first to display the first fracturing results.

