
U.S. shale oil mining still faces numerous development bottleneck

First, the development of shale oil revolutionary technology "fracking," because the environmental damage which may be suffered Policy resistance. After a long time the oil industry lobbying legislators on this technology hostility eased, but the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and some other environmental agencies unremitting efforts,  Hydraulic fracturing  technology may still be banned. Currently, New York State prohibit the use of hydraulic fracturing. Worldwide, the French also disable this technology.
Secondly, shale oil development facing cost pressures. It is understood that, although the industry giants such as Exxon Mobil Corp. and gradually involved in shale oil field, the current U.S. production of shale oil companies are still many small and medium enterprises. These enterprises require higher capital flows, on the cost of higher sensitivity. Lv Todd Energy Consulting's data show that U.S. shale oil production cost of 44-68 U.S. dollars per barrel, much higher than ordinary oil around $ 20 a barrel cost of production. Cost pressures may force some oil companies to change the direction of investment. Once these companies encounter cash flow problems, must first cut shale oil development projects.
In addition, shale oil production also faces transport bottlenecks. In Bakken oilfield as an example, because a rapid increase in oil production, the local oil pipeline has been overwhelmed. In February this year, due to the transport limited, Bakken barrel of oil produced by oil price lower than the U.S. $ 27.5 basis. Although Buffett's company had to invest in the regional transportation system, the construction of infrastructure facilities but still a few years time, which is bound to limit oil development. Meanwhile, oil prices will squeeze corporate profit margins, thereby combating the production enthusiasm.
Federal land mining rights is relevant companies may face another problem. Given the limited reserves of private land, want to form a scale, to achieve production leap, companies must obtain mining rights to federal lands, but there is uncertainty in this regard.
U.S. Department of Energy hopes to continue to reduce energy imports,frac proppant and boldly predicted that 2040 net imports accounted for U.S. energy consumption will increase from 19% in 2011 to 9%. However, the current U.S. oil production of 650 million barrels, while imports amounted to 900 million barrels, is still high dependence on foreign energy.
In view of these factors, some analysts put aside some of the optimistic market forecasts, bluntly bearish on the U.S. shale oil development prospects.
Marathon Oil vice president and COO David Roberts believes Bakken region's oil production capacity in the future will not be as high as predicted, "I do not think the U.S. will surpass Saudi Arabia as the world's largest oil producer."
According to energy expert Arthur Berman said, probably just a shale oil bubble will eventually burst. Thus,ceramic proppant the United States in the journey toward energy independence, there is still a long way to go, it would not be too much optimism realistic.

