
Accelerate the exploration and development of shale gas is an inevitable trend

Shale gas is hosted in shale in the free state exists to adsorb and  unconventional gas  . According to the forecast, the world's  shale gas  resource of 456 trillion cubic meters, mainly in North America, Central Asia and China, the Middle East and North Africa, Latin America, the former Soviet Union and other regions, and quite conventional natural gas, shale gas resource potential and even also may be significantly greater than conventional gas.
Shale gas resources in the world of research and exploration and development first began in the United States, in 1821, first shale gas wells drilled in the eastern United States in the 1920s into the scale of production, the 1970s expansion of shale gas exploration and development to the United States, the West, in the 1990s, in terms of policy, price factors such as technological progress and development, driven by shale gas exploration and development has become an important field and goals. It is predicted that the U.S. shale gas resources more than 28 trillion cubic meters, is currently the United States and Canada is the scale of the development of shale gas are two major countries, the 2009 U.S. shale gas production close to 100 billion cubic meters, more than China's conventional natural gas per year. Rapid shale gas exploration and development of natural gas reserves in the United States increased by 40%, the estimated 2010 U.S. shale gas production will account for over 15% of natural gas production.
In recent years, with the social demand for clean energy continues to expand, rising gas prices, shale gas geological understanding of continuous improvement, horizontal wells and  hydraulic fracturing  technology continues to progress, shale gas exploration and development is being used by America to the world expansion. Accelerate shale gas exploration and development, has become the world's major shale gas resources in the country and the region a common choice.
According to expert estimates, China's shale gas recoverable resources of about 26 trillion cubic meters, roughly the same with the United States. From the available information, in addition to distribution of shale gas in Sichuan, Ordos, Bohai Bay, Songliao, Jianghan, Tuha, Tarim and Junggar basins such as oil and gas, but in our widely distributed marine shale formations paralic shale and coal-bearing strata also have a continental distribution.
China and the United States in shale gas geological conditions has many similarities, shale gas enrichment favorable geological conditions, with roughly the same with the U.S. shale gas resource prospects and development potential. Southern Sichuan, eastern Sichuan, Chongqing southeast, Guizhou, Hubei Province and other upper Yangtze region is the main prospect of shale gas in the Sichuan Basin, for example, only the evaluation of the Cambrian and Silurian two shale, shale gas resources equivalent to conventional natural gas resources in the basin of 1.5-2.5 times. Exploration and development of shale gas resources and good prospects, accelerate the exploration and development with a huge resource base.
At present, China's shale gas resources survey and exploration and development is still in its early stage exploration. 20th century, 60-90 years, in the conventional oil and gas exploration, individual basins discovered in shale shale fractured reservoirs, which some scholars have conducted research. So far, China's shale gas resource potential has yet to conduct a comprehensive estimates of shale gas resources, favorable target areas to be further implemented, exploration and development is still in the "blank" state.
After years of exploration, China's shale gas resources exploration and development of strategic research and already have a certain foundation, seize opportunities, meet challenges, catch up, to adapt to a clean energy economy mode conversion, and promote sound and rapid economic development, update the concept, solve problems, innovative models, and vigorously promote the investigation and shale gas resource exploration and development strategies, has become China's oil and gas resources in the field of important and urgent strategic task.

