
Canada: moving away from the U.S. market

Canadian history has a large number of conventional natural gas resources,  shale gas  in the United States before the revolution, which for decades was the main source of imports of natural gas. In recent years, Canada has also started to learn the American experience to develop their own shale gas resources. Although there is no large-scale exploitation of shale gas started, but many companies have begun to Alberta, British Columbia, Quebec and New Brunswick's shale gas resource exploration and development. The future, natural gas will continue to occupy Canada significant proportion of the energy consumption structure, and is likely to exceed the proportion of oil consumption. With the steady decline in conventional natural gas resources, shale gas will become the future of natural gas resources in Canada an important supplement. According to the Canadian National Energy Board (NEB) report,Fracturing proppant shale gas is likely quite a long time to help meet Canada's domestic demand for natural gas.
With U.S. natural gas production is growing, Canada needs to develop its natural gas production surplus in other markets, is still lack of treatment facilities and liquefied natural gas outside of North America to transport LNG ship. But the industry is ready to invest in the construction of the necessary infrastructure.
October 2011, NEB issued its first long-term LNG export license, in northeastern British Columbia invested $ 5 billion construction of LNG export terminal cleared the obstacle. The terminal will be Japan, Korea and China export LNG, which is the first Canadian producers are allowed to enter markets outside the United States. Argentina: Rise of opportunity to seek
Preliminary exploration has shown that in South America,frac sand Argentina, Brazil and Colombia has a lot of shale gas resources. While Argentina is currently the only region to prepare the full development of shale gas resources in the country.
Shale gas development in Argentina is significant. According to the survey, the majority of residents want in the next three to five years to achieve commercial production of shale gas. Argentine government leaders have also expressed their support for shale gas development in order to reduce dependence on imported natural gas. The country currently relies mainly from Bolivia and Qatar's natural gas imports and import prices are high.
Can be said that large-scale development of shale gas in Argentina, on the one hand to promote their economic development, on the other hand, will also help to get a more reasonable price of natural gas. Therefore, when the Argentine media that appear against hydraulic fracturing technology sound, mostly for the United States worried about using this technology, and their applications for hydraulic fracturing technology seems to be little opposition.

