
Germany drinking water source protection areas prohibit department called shale gas

As we all know, from shale and other hard rock mining of  shale gas  in the world are required to use the formation hydraulic fracturing techniques. However, using this method in the process of toxic chemicals may bring harm groundwater.
Thus, the German ecological protection departments have also requests to the Government, should be prohibited in areas where drinking water sources using hydraulic fracturing formations. According to the department's data, this region accounted for 14% of the entire German territory. In addition, the department also noted that natural gas companies in drilling each well, you must be assessment of the impact on the surrounding environment is responsible.
Meanwhile,Fracturing proppant there are experts pointed out that Germany has not yet been a comprehensive study of hydraulic fracturing method using stratigraphic consequences. Including, this technology has not been studied climate impact. Next, the scientists on the issue and other related issues should be further study.
German Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Minister Duarte Meyer also noted that "only in the total elimination of the formation and use of hydraulic fracturing technology-related hazards, the Government can only be made if the decision can be mined shale gas." He said, "For me, this question is reasonable, above all,frac sand therefore, in Germany there are areas of drinking water, should be strictly prohibited shale gas." "Shale gas is extremely complex and requires very seriously be understood before you can then make a decision." Alter Meyer sermon.

