
Chinese "unconventional" problem: the original innovation

In recent years, with the deepening of theoretical understanding and exploration and development technology, tight gas, coal bed methane, heavy oil, oil sands, etc., have become the world's  Unconventional gas  exploration and development in key areas, shale gas and tight oil exploration and development more is to become the focus of world attention. In the June 20 to 21, held in the global Chinese petroleum and petrochemical technology conference,Proppant experts said China's current oil and gas industry has entered both conventional and unconventional oil and gas era, China's oil workers only with the idea of ​​open technical limitations, using technology breakthrough energy dilemma, constantly seeking unconventional oil and gas resource development opportunities.frac sand companies Unconventional oil and gas technology revolution has come before take a leading role in the new energy, oil and gas in the world primary energy will dominate.

