
Shale gas exploration is becoming many domestic "capital predators" competition for the energy industry, a "big cake."

By the end of 2011, China's officially listed as the first 172 shale gas independent minerals, while the  shale gas  development is written "second five" plan. Over the past year, the domestic shale gas development significantly faster, including a number of central enterprises, including giant investors are a big way layout develop this energy, "virgin."
Shale gas opportunities have been sensitive to the smell Shandong enterprises, the strength of enterprises in the shale gas fields do everything possible to look for an opportunity to penetrate to the future national energy strategy, finding a place in the layout.Frac sand Vigilance is needed to develop shale gas investment in high, slow, demanding on the technical conditions. Come the opportunities, often have unpredictable risks.
"Circle Air" campaign has begun
Shale gas is mined from shale in natural gas, and many more adsorption, free and dissolved state occurs in the shale in the basin, with a long mine life and long production cycle advantages.
Ministry of Land and exploration results show that China's abundant reserves of shale gas, shale gas geological land resource potential of 135 trillion cubic meters of recoverable resource potential of 25 trillion cubic meters (excluding Tibet region).
Countries continue to support the introduction of favorable policies shale gas development. Following the development of shale gas is written "second five" plan after the end of 2011,fracturing proppant the State Council approved shale gas as an independent minerals, Ministry of Land and then began to create shale gas mining management system, the introduction of market competition mechanism. The central government on shale gas exploration and production enterprise subsidies 2012-2015 subsidy standard is 0.4 yuan / cubic meter. This one, immediately attracted many investors.

