
Assistant U.S. shale gas into a natural gas power

The United States is the world's first shale gas exploration and development in the country. In 1821,unconventional gas the United States successfully drilled the first commercial shale gas wells mouth. 21st century, the United States growing domestic demand for natural gas, so the shale gas exploration and development have been strengthened.
Data show that the current U.S. shale gas production of the country's total gas output 23 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Energy's latest data, the U.S. shale gas reserves of 23.4 trillion cubic meters of existing, has surpassed Russia as the world's largest natural gas resources and producer countries.
Meanwhile,Frac sand the development and use of shale gas in the United States has entered the commercialization and mass production stage, greatly changed the international natural gas market and the world's energy pattern.
But analysts believe that shale gas development and utilization in the short term is still not a substitute for conventional energy world. In other words, harder and conventional  shale gas  and liquefied natural gas pipelines compete.

