
Shale gas revolution also began popular around the world, and the United States and the world's energy structure impact.

Because natural gas is a regional market, the rapid growth of  shale gas  production, resulting in U.S. natural gas prices continued to fall. In 2012, U.S. per million British thermal (unit of measurement) of natural gas price of 2.86 U.S. dollars, the same period equivalent calorific value gas prices in East Asia is $ 16 ~ $ 18, Europe $ 12 ~ $ 14.
U.S. natural gas prices not only far below the world's other major natural gas consuming regions, but also result in the development of domestic shale gas exploration business dilemma: shale gas has been unprofitable.
"Because natural gas prices are too low, if a single measure to shale gas operations, the U.S. oil and gas companies are losing money." Academician, former vice president of PetroChina Jia CZ told this reporter.
The shale in another key substance - shale oil is up for the loss of gas prices in the doldrums.
Similar to traditional oil and gas resources, shale oil and gas resources in the attendant, shale oil is light oil,frac sand companies oil quality is good, but better than the conventional vertical wells extract oil directly from the reservoir crude oil, shale oil using horizontal drilling and hydraulic shale fracturing technology gained from its mining costs are higher, even so, in the face of high international oil prices, the exploitation of shale oil is still profitable. Oil companies have "oil qi", the traditional Bakken shale gas and oil English Gefu Te also turned the main producing areas, to benefit from shale oil production increased last year, U.S. oil production increased by 100 million barrels.
Shale gas revolution, has been gradually replaced by cheap gas oil consumption, U.S. dependence on foreign oil in 2005 from 64.2% down to 49.3% in 2010.
Benefit from the growth in shale oil and gas production, natural gas and oil production in the United States showed rapid growth, but also the end of U.S. crude oil production up to 30 years of decline. The IEA expects oil shale rewritten as global energy map,Fracturing proppant the United States will surpass Saudi Arabia and Russia to become the world's largest energy producer.
Shale oil is in this context boarded the oil and gas arena, outside the United States spread.

